Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1497

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . CHs. 328, 329 . 1931 . February 28, 1931.

CHAP . 328 .-An Act To amend section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to [H. R . 3820,] provide for stock-raising homesteads, and for other purposes," approved Decem- [Public, No . 747.]

ber 29, 1916. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Public lands . Stock raising home- United States o f America in Congress assembled That section 1 of stead entries,

the Act entitled "An Act to provide for stock-raising homesteads, and 41, p . 2 87. p . 862; Vol. for other purposes," approved December 29, 1916, is hereby amended u. S.C.,p.1348.

to read as follows Extent of, allowed . " That from and after the passage of this Act it shall be lawful for any person qualified to make entry under the homestead laws of the United States to make a stock-raising homestead entry for not Proviso .

exceeding six hundred and forty acres of unappropriated, unreserved giu r or desi gnation re- public lands in reasonably compact form : Provided, however, That the land so entered shall theretofore have been designated by the Secretary of the Interior as `stock-raising lands' : Provided further, e ral of min. That for the purposes of th is Act lands withdrawn or res erved solely as valuable for oil or gas, shall not be deemed to be appropriated or reserved unless such lands shall be within the limits of the geologic structure of a producing oil or gas field, and any patent therefor shall contain a reservation to the United States of all minerals in said lands, and the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same : And Naval p etroleu m, provided further, That the prov isions of thi s Act shall n ot apply etc ., reserves,

to naval petroleum reserves and naval oil-shale reserves ." Approved, February 28, 1931 . February 28, 1931 .

[H. R. 9224 .] CHAP. 329 .-An Act To authorize appropriations for the construction ofa [Public , No. 7 48 .] s ea wa ll a nd qu arter maste r's wareh ouse at Se lfri dge F ield, Mich igan, and to construct a water main to Selfridge Field, Michigan . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Ap pro pria tion s SelfridgrField, au- Mich . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is thorized .

h ereby authori zed to be app ropriated the sum of $50,0 00 for com- sea wall, etc., con- struction . pletion of a sea wall and necessary fill at Selfridge Field, Michigan . Ante, p . 441. SEC . 2 . That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, author- Water ma in fr om ized to construct a water main extending from the limits of the Mo unt Cle mens,Mic b . city of Mount Clemens, Michigan, to andconnecting with the dis- tribution system of the Selfridge Field Military Reservation, Mich- igan ; and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum Proviso.

of $37,000, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- of way eyance of right priated, for such purpose : Provided, That the right of way for said mai n shall be co nveyed to the United State s free of an y cost . Connections wi th SEC. 3 . Harrison and Clinton townships of Macomb County, wat er main authori zed .

y~ Michigan, may, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, make connections with said main for the purpose of sup- plying water to residents of said t ownships, but no such connect ions re Part cost pa yment shall be made until said townships shall have paid to the Secretary of War one-fourth of the cost of construction of said main between the said city limits and the boundary of the reservation, which sum so paid sh all be covered into the Treas ury to the credit of "Miscel- Pr om ro" free to united laneous receipts" : Prov ided, That all water used t hrough said m ain States thereafter .

for other than post purposes shall be without expense to the United ni ght to limit use, States : And provided further, That should there be any interference etc., reserved, with the p ost supply the Secretary of W ar shall have the right, from time to time, to suspend the use of water through part or all of said connections, or remove and discontinue the same. Additional construe- ti on . SEC. 4. That not to exceed $55,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated for construction of a quartermaster warehouse at Self- ridge Field, Michigan . Approved, February 28, 1931 .