Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1507

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. Cii. 366 . 1931 . Vol . 39, p. amended . LT. S. C., p. 108. Licenses to persons not w arehou semen . Issue by designated representative author- ized . Condit ions . Receipts required . Bond. Conduct of business . Vol . 39, p. 48 7, amended. U. S. C.,p. 108. Examination or in- spection charge . Cla sses added . Deposit of fees . Vol. 39, p. 487; Vol. 42, p . 1283, amended . U.S.C.,p . 108. Inspectors, samplers, etc. Authority conferred on designated repre- sentative to license, etc . Vol. 39, p. 487; Vol. 42, p . 1283, amended . U.S. C.,p. 108. Suspension or revo- cation of inspector's, etc ., lice nse . By Secre tary' s repr e- sentative, added . Causes. with and approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, or his designated representative, nor unless the license issued under this Act for the conduct of such warehouse remains unsuspended and unrevoked ." 487 , SEC . 4. That section 9 of the United States Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916, as amended (U . S. C ., title 7, sec . 248), is amended to read as follows " SEC. 9 . That the Secretary of Agriculture, or his designated representative, may, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, issue a license to any person not a warehouseman to accept the custody of agricultural products, and to store the same in a ware- house or warehouses owned, operated, or leased by any State, upon condition that such person agree to comply with and abide by the terms of this Act and the rules and regulations prescribed hereunder . Each person so licensed shall issue receipts for the agricultural prod- ucts placed in his custody, and shall give bond, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and the rules and regulations hereunder affecting warehousemen licensed under this Act, and shall otherwise be subject to this Act, and such rules and regulations, to the same extent as is provided for warehousemen licensed hereunder . " SEC . 5 . That section 10 of the United States Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916, as amended (U . S . C ., title 7, sec . 251), is amended to read as follows " SEC. 1 0 . That the Secretary of Agriculture, or his designated representative, may charge, assess, and cause to be collected a reason- able fee for every examination or inspection of a warehouse under this Act when such examination or inspection is made upon applica- tion of a warehouseman, and for each license issued to a warehouse- man or to any person to classify, inspect, grade, sample, and/or weigh agricultural products stored or to be stored under the pro- visio ns of this Act, the Se creta ry of Agric ultur e, or his d esign ated representative, may charge, assess, and cause to be collected a reason- able fee . All such fees shall be deposited and covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts ." SEC . 6 . That section 11 of the United States Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916, as amended (U . S. C., title 7, sec . 252), is amended to read as follows " SEC. 1 1 . That the Secretary of Agriculture, or his designated representative, may upon presentation of satisfactory proof of com- petency, issue to any person a license to inspect, sample, or classify any agricultural product or products, stored or to be stored in a warehouse licensed under this Act, according to condition, grade, or otherwise and to certificate the condition, grade, or other class thereof, or to weigh the same and certificate the weight thereof, or both to inspect, sample, or classify and weigh the same and to cer- tificate the condition, grade, or other class and the weight thereof, up on condition that such person agree to comply with and abide by th e terms of this Act and of the rules and regulations prescribed hereunder so far as the same relate to him ." SEC . 7. That section 12 of the United States Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916, as amended (U . S . C ., title 7, sec. 253), is amended to read as follows " SEC. 12. That any license issued to any person to inspect, sample, or classify, or to weigh any agricultural product or products under th is Act may be suspended or revoked by the Secretary of Agricul- ture, or his designated representative, whenever he is satisfied, after opportunity afforded to the licensee concerned for a hearing, that such licensee has failed to inspect, sample, or classify, or to weigh any agricultural product or products correctly, or has violated any of the provisions of this Act or of the rules and regulations pre-