Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1549

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S EVE NTY -FI RST CONGRESS . SESS. III. CHs. 432-434 . 1931 . Proviso . Transportation and per diem allowan ce . Ad diti onal to pay, etc. March 3, 1931 . [H . R. 16111 .1 [Public, No. 820.1 be necessary, to carry out the provisions of this Act : Provided, That in addi tio n to transportation and P ull man ac com mod ati ons the le ade rs and members of the Marine Ba nd be all ow ed not to exceed $5 per day each for actual living expenses while on this duty, and that the payment of such expenses shall be in addition to the pay and allowances to which th ey would be entitled while se rv ing at th eir permanent stat ion . Approved, March 3, 1931 . CHAP. 433 .-An Act To amend section 1 of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Second Liberty Bond United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of Act . Authorized issue of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended (Public, Numbered 43, 120, bondst increased . and 192, Sixty-fifth Congress, September 24, 1917, April 4, 1918, and 844ame ad. 2 88, sot, July 9, 1918, respectively), is hereby amended by striking out the u.S.C.,p.1026.

figures " $ 20,000,000,000 " and inserting in lieu thereof the figures " $2 8,000, 000,000 ." Approved, March 3, 1931 . March 3, 1931 . [S . 3360.] CHAP. 434 .-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to convey to the [Public, No. 821.] Un iversity of Oregon ce rtain land s forming a part of t he Coos He ad River a nd Harbor Reservation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Coos Head River and United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Harbor Reservation, of W ar is authorized an d directed to conve y by quitclaim deed to Part of, conveyed to the University of Oregon, State of Oregon, subject to the conditions universit y of Oregon . hereinafter specified, the following described part of the Coos Head River and Harbor Reservation situated on the sou th shore of the entranc e to Coos Bay in Co os County, Oregon Descripti on . All of lot 2, the westerly seven hundred and fifty feet of lot 3, all of lot 1 exc ept the west three h undred feet t hereof , and a ll of the sou th-' west quarter northwest quarter, except the west three hundred feet the reof, all in sectio n 2, to wnship 26 sou th, ra nge 14 west, Willame tte meridian, in the county of Coos, Oregon ; excepting therefrom the par- cels of land released to the Treasury Department by letter from the Assistant Secretary of War, dated April 24, 1913, and more particu- larly described as follows : Site for station buildings beginning at a point north forty-one degrees thirty minutes west one thousand three hundred and seven feet from the southeast corner northwest quarter of section 2, township 26 south, range 14 west, Willamette meridian ; th ence north thi rty-t hree degre es fi ftee n min utes west four hund red feet ; thence west thirty-three degrees fifteen minutes south four hu ndr ed fee t ; thence south thirty-three degrees fifteen min utes east four hun dred feet ; thence east thirty-three degrees fifteen minutes north four hundred feet to the point of beginning, and con- taining three and six hu nd red and seventy-three one-thousandths acres ; also a site for lifeboat house commencing ata point seven hundred and seventy-five f eet north thirty-th ree degrees fiftee n minutes west from the starting point of site and the station grounds ; thence running west thirty-three degrees fifteen minutes south one hundred and fifty feet ; thence south thirty-three degrees fifteen minutes east two hundred and twenty-five feet ; thence east thirty-