Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1580

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 517 . 1931 . half southwest quarter section 10 ; the northeast quarter, the east half north west q uarte r, th e nort heast quar ter so uthwe st qu arter, and the north half southeast quarter section 15 ; the east half, the south east quarte r nor thwes t quar ter, and the east half southwest quarter section 22; the northwest quarter, the north half southwest quart er, a nd the sout heast quart er so uthwe st qua rter secti on 26; the east half no rtheast quarter, and the northwes t quarte r northe ast quarter section 27; the south half lot 1, the south half lot 2, north- west quarter, lot 2, lot 1, southwest quarter, and the w est h alf southeast quarter section 31 ; all in township 14 south, range 36 eas t, Mount Diablo meridian ; section 1 ; lot 3, lot 4, lot 5, and the southwest quarter northeast quarter, lot 7, lot 6, lot 10, and the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 2 ; lot 2, and the west half lot 1, northeast quarter, lot 2, lot 1, northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter section 3 ; section 4 ; section 5 ; section 6 ; section 7 ; section 8 ; section 9 ; the northwest quarter northwest quarter, the south half northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, and the west half southeast quarter section 10 ; lot 1 northeast quarter, lot 6, lot 7, and the east half southwest quarter, lot 5 and lot 8 and the west half southeast quarter section 11 ; section 12 ; section 13 ; section 14 ; section 15 ; the northeast quarter, and the west half section 17 ; section 18 ; all in township 15 south, range 35 east, Mount Diablo meridian

section 1 ; the west half lot 1, the west half lot 2 northeast quarter, lot 3, lot 4, lot 5, and the s outheast quarter northwest quart er, lot 8, lot 9, lot 10, and the southeast quarter southwest quarter, lot 7, and the southwe st quart er south east qua rter sec tion 6; section 7 ; the north half, the east half southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter section 12 ; the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter southeast quarter section 13 ; the northwest quarter, lot 3, lot 4, and the south half southwest quarter section 17 ; section 18 ; all in township 15 sou th, ra nge 36 east, Mou nt Diablo meridian ; the north half lot 1, the north half lot 2 southwest quarter section 18 ; the south half lot 1, the south half lot 2 northwest quarter, lot 1, lot 2 southwest quarter section 19 ; the east half southwest quarter section 29 ; the southeast quarter northeast quarter, the west half northeast quarter, lot 1, lot 2, no rthwest quarter section 30 ; the south half south half section 32 ; the s outhw est qu arter sout hwest quart er se ction 33; all in town- ship 15 south, range 37 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the south half southeast quarter section 2 ; the south half southeast quarter section 3 ; the west hal f lot 1 northwes t quarter and th e southwest quar ter sec- tion 4 ; lot 1 and lot 2 northeast quarter, lot 1, lot 2 northwest quarter, the nor th half southeas t quarte r and th e southe ast quar ter sout heast quarter sectio n 5 ; the south half lot 2 southwest quarter section 6 ; l o t 2 nor thwest q uarter, lot 2 and the south half lot 1 southwest quar- ter, and the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 7 ; the south- west quarter northeast quarter, the northeast quarter northwest quar- te r, the southeast quarter southwest quarter, and the we st ha lf southeast quarter section 9 ; the e ast h alf so uthea st qu arter, and the west half southwest quarter section 14 ; the west half northwest qua rt er and the south ha lf southwest qu art er section 15

the southwest quarter northwest quarter, and the south half section 17; the south half northeast quarter, the northwest quarter north- east quarter, lot 1, lot 2, northwe st quart er, lot 2, lot 1, southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter section 18 ; section 19 ; section 20 ; section 21 ; the west half northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, the west half southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter southeast quarter section 22 ; eighteen and nine-tenths acre portion of the southwest quarter northeast quarter, and thirty-seven and fifty-three one-hundredths a cre portion of the southeast quarter ,57 89 -1 0 -31-97 1537 Description-Contd. Los Angeles, etc. , Calif., water supply .