Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1646

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SEVE NTY- FIR ST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cu. 522. 1931 .

1603 Thomaston, Georgia, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of Thomaston, Ga . site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $95,000 . Thomson, Georgia, post office, and so forth : For construction of a Thomson, Ga . building, under an estimated total cost of $70,000 . Toccoa, Georgia, post office, and so forth : For construction of a Toccoa, Ga . building, under an estimated total cost of $65,000. Tooele, Utah, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and Tooele, Utah . construction of a building under an estimated total cost of $75,000 . Topeka, Kansas, post office and courthouse : For demolition of Topeka, Kans . building and construction of a new building, under an estimated total cost of $950,000 . Torrington, Wyoming, post office, and so forth : For acquisition Torrington, Wyo . of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $90,000 . Trenton, Missouri, post office : For acquisition of site and construe- Trq Trent on, Mo ot site tion of a building under an estimated total cost of $100,000, in lieu added . of the requirement in the Act of March 4, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1662) ; Vol. 45, p.1562. and the amount appropriated under the authority of such Act is hereby made available toward the purposes herein .

Tyler, Tea . Tyler, Texas, post office, courthouse, and so forth : For acquisition of additional land and construction of a building under an estimated total cost of $335,000, or, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, for the acquisition of site and construction of a building under an estimated total cost of $360,000 . Unionville, Missouri, post office, and so forth : For construction of Umonvi lle, Mo . a buil ding, u nder an estimate d total cost of $65,000. Vallejo, California, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of Vallejo, Gala . site and co nstruc tion o f a bu ilding , of $185,000 .

under an estimated total cost . Ventura, California, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of venture, Calif . site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $200,000 . Visalia, California, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site visa lia, Gala . and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $150,000 .

Waco, Tex. Waco, Texas, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and expen ses pr elimin ary to const ructio n, und er an estima ted to tal co st of $150,000 . Wadesboro, North Carolina, post office, and so forth

For acquisi-

Baiang•~ ntmotion tion of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total added. cost of $95,000, in lieu of acquisition of site authorized under the Act approved March 4, 1913 (37 Stat ., p . 878) ; and the amount Vol. 37,p.878. appropriated under the authority of such Act is hereby made avail- able toward the p urpose s here in . Waupun, Wisconsin, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of waupun, Wi s. site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $85,00 0 . Wausau, Wisconsin, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site Wausau, Wis. and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $280,000 . Waynesboro, Georgia, post office, and so forth : For construction Waynesboro, Ga . of a building, under an estimated total cost of $60,000 . Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth : For acquisi- tion of site and construction of a buildingy under an es timate d tota l cost of $145,000 . Weiser, Idaho, post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and Weiser,Idaho. construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $110,000 .