Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1677

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INDEX. v Agricultu!"e, Department of-Continued. Page Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Plant Industry, Bureau oL 1081, 1562, 1612 Blister-rust cont roL __ ___ __ __ _ ___ 1562 Construction, eL., in designated States_ ________ __ ___ _ __ __ __ _ 1068 Cotton root rot eradication, Indio, CaliL ____________________ _ Forest pathology i:1Vestigations __ _ "'estern irrigation agriculture ____ _ Plant Quarantine and Control Ad- 98 1562 1562 ministration __________ 871,1067,1563 Control and prevention of diseases, etc., injurious to plants and fruits ____________________ 99,1563 Research work in Hawaiian Is- lands, Brazil, and \Vest Indies____________________ 1563 Foreign plant quarantine enforce- ment______________________ 99 Power plant, extension, etc ____ __ _ __ 906 Public Roads, Bureau oL__________ 1563 Government 18land building, Ala- meda, CaliL________________ 1563 Mount Vernon Memorial High- way, Va., construction, etc___ 1563 Road construction, public lands, nontaxable Indian lands, etc_ 1563 Road and bridge flood relief, Georgia and South Carolina____________ 872 Roosevelt Memorial, construction oL 872 Secretary's Office ___________ il8, 1561, 1612 Miscellaneous expenses___________ 1561 Rent, D. C ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ 1562 Seed-grain loan for crop of 1930_____ 99 Weather Bureau ______________ 1081,1612 Alaska, employees of, furnished subsis- t~nee__________________________ 1162 Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele- bration, member of, on commission to report on Government's partiei- pation_________________________ 790 Dodge City, Kans., traet transferred by, to Department of Commerce as site for building project__________ 368 Space for Weather Bureau__________ 368 Drought and storm stricken areas, advances to farmers for seed, etc., purchases authorized_____________ 1032 Appropriation for farmers in________ 1039 Employment Stabl1ization Act, con- struction under- ______ __________ 1085 Forest Service __________________ 1052, :i.l96 Construction of buildings for, on Government IslE-nd, Calif., au- thorized_ _______ ___ __ __ __ __ __ _ 1196 Rentals of property of employees of, indemnification for losses au- thorized______________________ 1052 Agricult'ue, Department of-Continued. Page Foreign Agriculture Service, established in_____________________________ 497 Livestock, importation of, prohibited, if exposed to infection within sixty days_ ________________________ ___ 1460 K ational Parks, sum authorized for con- st!"uction of approaches to, under agreements oL_______________ ___ 1053 Pecan experiment I:ltation, aceertanee of land fOL_____________________ 1045 Pink bollworm, to prevent spread of, in ArizoTIu______________________ 66 Payments to farmers for losses, be- cause of eradication oL __ ___ __ _ 67 Porto Rico, establishing agricultural experiment stations in _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 1520 Predatory animals, investigations au- thorized for eradication oL_______ 1468 Public Roads, Bureau of, construction of buildings for, on Governmtnt Is- land, Calif.. authorized__________ 1196 Reallocations, transfers between appro- priations allowed for_____________ 1243 Rural Post Roads, construction of, during 1930, additional appropria- tion for _______________________ 67,261 Sullys Hill National Game Preserve established undeL______ __ _ _ _ __ __ 1509 Transfer of appropriation to Personnd Classification Board_ ___ __ _ __ _ __ _ 865 Utah State tre!1surer, issue of duplicate checks in favor oL _____________ _ 555 Warehouse Act, issue 01 licenses under _ 1463 Weather Bureau, space for, provided at Dodge City, Kans _____________ _ Agriculture, etc., Inter-American Con- ference on: Appropriation authorized for expenses_ Deficiency appropriation for _________ _ 368 166 887 Agriculture, International Institute of, appropriation for contribution_ __ 181, 1316 Agriculture and Livestock, census of, 1935 and every ten years thereafter _____ _ Ahtanum Irrigation Project, Wash., ap- propriation for water supply investi- gation __________________________ _ Aigrettes, importation prohibited_______ _ Aileen Nusbaum Hospital, Colo., appro- 25 293 662 priations available for operation oL _ 315 Air and Ocean Mail Service, hearings, etc., relative to, authorized_________ 1552 Air Commerce Act of 1926, application of, to Tariff AcL_____________________ 761 Air Corps, Army. See also War Depart- ment. Maxwell Field, Ala., additio!'al land authorized for tactical schooL___ 839