Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1716

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xliv INDEX. Commerce, Department oC-Continued. Pa&,e Appropriation for-Continued. Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau oL_________ ~ __ __ __ 195,1331 Automobiles, allowance to em- ployees using 0'\Vll________ 198,1334 China Trade Act enforcement_ 196,1332 Customs statistics collection ex- penses________________ 197, 1333 District and cooperative office serv- ice, etc., establishing new of- fices ___________________ 196,1332 Domestic commerce and raw mate- rials investigations _______ 196, 1333 Export industries in v est i g a- tions ___________________ 196,1332 Foreign buyers, compilation of lists of, charges for_______ 197,1333 Foreign commerce develo~ment_ 195, 1332 Foreign service,-aalaries, etc___ 195, 1331 !,iving quarters, etc., abroad __ 193, 1334 Supplics, purchase of, in foreign countries________________ 198, 1334 Trade restrictions, investigation of foreign _________________ 197,1333 Transportation of families and ef- fects of officers; remains of officers dying abroad. 197, 1077, 1334 Judgments, payment oL___________ 7 Lighthouses, Bureau oL ________ 204,1340 Construction, tenders, etc__ ___ 205, 1341 Land site purchases __________ 204,1341 Lighthouse restoration, etc____ 204,1340 Relief of shipwrecked persons __ 204, 1341 Mines, Bureau oL _____________ 210,1347 Buildings and grounds, mainte- nance, Bruceton and Pitts- burgh, Pa_______________ 211,1348 Cooperative health, etc., work, medical officers from Public Health Service for _ _ _ ____ 212, 1349 Helium production, etc _______ 212,1349 Purchase of plants, etc_ _ ___ 213, 1350 Investigations of accidents, etc_ 210, 1347 Scientific investigations for depart- ments, etc ________________ 214,1351 Supplies, purchase oL ________ 214,1351 Traveling expenses _______ .__ _ _ 214,1351 Navigation, Bureau oL __ __ _ ___ 199, 1335 Load lines on American vessels, en- forcement of laws regulating, etc_____________________ 200,1336 PatentOffice__________________ 209,1346 Investigations, prior use of inven- tions ___________________ 209,1346 Patents, etc., producing copies of weekly issue of __ ________ 209, 1346 Salaries and expenses_ _ ___ _ __ 209, 1346 Printing and binding___________ 194,1330 Commerce, Department oC-Continued. Pa&'8 Appropriation for-Continued. Radio Division ________________ 194,1330 Wireless communication laws en- forcement _______________ 194,1330 Secretary, OfficeoL ____________ 193,1329 Salaries, Secretary, Assistant, and office personneL _________ 193, 1329 Solicitor, and office personneL ___ 186, 1321 Standards, Bureau oL __________ 200, 1336 Chemical analysis checking mate- rials ____________________ 203, 1339 Cooperative work with depart- ments __________________ 203,1340 Investigations_ ______________ 200, 1337 Salaries and expenses _________ 200,1336 Testing machines maintenance, etc _____________________ 201, 1337 Steamboat Inspection Service ___ 199, 1335 Contingent expenses _ _ _ _ _____ 199, 1335 Salaries, clerks, inspectors, etc_ 199, 1335 Deficiency appropriation for-- Air navigation facilities_ ___________ 100, 1077, 1081, 1613 Aircraft in commerce___________ 100, 1613 Audited claims_ _ ______ __ __ ___ ____ 126, 131,91~916, 1077, 1081, 1623, 1625 Census, Bureau of the, expenses of FuteenthCensus_____________ 100 Coast and Geodetic Survey _____ 101, 1614 Magnetic work. ________________ 1614 Partyexpenses_________________ 1081 Compensation increases __ __ _ ______ 1081 Contingentexpenses ___________ 872,1564 Damage claims _______ 124,912,1075,1622 Federal Employment Stabilization Board_______________________ 1564 Fisheries, Bureau oL ______ 874,1565,1614 Black Bass law, enforcemenL____ 1565 Fish-cultural stations, construc- tion_______________________ 874 Miscellaneous expenses _ _________ 1077 "Penguin" equipment._ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 101 Propagation of food fishes ____ 874,1614 Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau oL _______________ 100,1613 District e.nd cooperative office serv- ice________________________ 1613 Export industries_ ______________ 1613 Foreign trade restrictions, investi- gations oL ________________ _ Foreign trade statistics, compiling_ Lists of foreign buyers__________ _ Promoting commerce in foreign 1613 1613 1613 countries__________________ 1613 Transportation, families, etc., of officers and employees_______ 100, 873, 1077, 1564