Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1735

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INDEX. lxiii Distriet of Columbia Traffic Act, Amend- ments-Continued. Page Department of vehicles and traffic, established_____________________ 1425 Appointment of director ___________ 1425 Congressional tags, issue oL__________ 1425 Registration and titling of motor vehicles_____ ____ ___ __ __ _______ 1425 Rules governing traffic movements to be prescribed________________ 1426 Congressional parking areas to be located________________________ 1426 RegUlations governing routes, equip- ment, etc., of common carriers___ 1426 Orders of Public Utilities Commis- sion to be referred to joint board_ 1426 Arterial and boulevard highways to be established_____________________ 1426 Traffic light equipment to be pro- vided________________________ 1426 Regulations governing traffic, publica- tion oL _______________________ _ Speeding anu reckless driving, con- strued ________________________ _ Penalty provisions _______________ _ Accidents, duties of persons involved in_ Operating vehicle while intoxicated 1427 1427 1427 1427 prohibited_ _ _ _ __ __ ______ ____ ___ 1428 Operator's permits, authority for revo- cation oL__ _____________ ____ ___ 1428 Protest and appeal allowed__ ______ 1429 District Training School, D. C.: Appropriation for- Artesian wells, water supply _____ 869, 1560 Commitments to, expenses oL ______ 867 Salaries and expenses ___________ 981,1406 Divi-Divi: Duty on, extracL__________________ 596 On free list___ - _____________ - - - _____ 677 Division of Examinations, Federal Farm Loan Bureau, assessments for salaries of employees_ _ ____ ____ ________ ___ 815 Division of Identification and Informa- tion, established in Department of Justice __________________ . _______ 554 Division of Mental Hygiene, Narcotics Division of Public Health Service to be known as __ _ __________________ 586 Dixon County, Nebr., bridge authorized across Missouri River, in__________ 1496 Dodge City, Kans.: Appropriation for public building aL __ 350 Space in proposed public building at, for use of Weather Bureau_______ 368 Transfer of Government-owned land at, for public building site_ _______ ___ 368 Dogs, tax on, in District of Columbia_ __ 522 Doilies, duty on, not specially provided for______________________________ 642 Page Dolls, duty on, and cluthing____________ 660 . . Domestic," defined, Rio Grande com- pact_____________________________ 768 "Domestic Article," defined, Tariff Act__ 702 Domestic Commerce, appropriation for investigation of raw materials, etc. 196, 1333 "Domestic Value," defined, Tariff Act__ 707 Dominican Republic, appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to ___ 175,1310 Dominion of Canada. See Canada. Dominoes, duty on____________________ 660 Donovan, William J., app:>inted by Presi- dent as representative of United States, Rio Grande compact_ __ ____ 768 Donskoi Wool, duty on_______________ 646 Dorchester Bay, JIass., improvement of, authorized_______________________ 918 Dorr, George B., appropriation for salary as superintendent, Acadia National Park, Me________________________ 1149 Double Basses, duty on_______________ 669 Douglas, Ariz.: Appropriation for public building at_ _ 350 Inspection station, authorized_ ______ 120 Douglas County, Nebr.: Bridge authorized across Missouri River, by______________________ 156 At South Omaha, Nebr., by_______ 1093 Douglass-Simmons School, D. C ., appro- priation for land purchase _______ 971, 1396 Dourine, appropriation for control, etc_ 402, 1251 Dover, Creek, Ga., improvement author- ized_____________________________ 924 Dover, Del.: Appropriation for public building at- _ 1591 Post office at, to be sold____________ 275 Dover, N. J., appropriation for public building aL______________________ 1591 Dover, Ohio, appropriation for public building at__ ___ _______ ______ _____ 1591 Dover Patrol Memorial, World War, authorized, Fort Hamilton Park, Brooklyn, N. Y ___________________ 1628 Downs, duty on_ _ ____ ___ ____ __ __ _____ 661 Drag Saws. duty on_-________________ 617 Dragon's Blood, on free list_ ____ _______ 678 Drainage, census of, to be taken in 1930, and every ten years, thereafter_____ 21 Drainage tools, duty on_______________ 626 Drawback: Allowed on goods withdrawn from warehouse for exporL___________ 744 Articles, laden as supplies; entitled to__ 691 Provisions of Tariff Act relating to____ 693 Drawings: Duty on, and paper_________________ 656 Ink______________________________ 597 Instruments______________________ 620 On free list_________________________ 684