Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1834

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clxii INDEX. Printing and Bindlng-Continued. PaKe Appropriation for-Continued. Federal Board for Vocational Educa- ~on _______________________ 23~526 Federal Power Commission_ _ 236, 798, 1362 Federal Radio Commission_______ 63, 1362 Federal Trade Commission ______ 236, 1363 Fine Arts, Commission oC_ __ ___ 233, 1359 General Accounting Office _______ 237, 1363 George Washington Bicentennial CODllDission__________________ 1363 Geographic Board, United States_ 243, 1371 Geological Survey _______________ 281,312 Grand Army of the RepUblic, annual encampmen\ proceedingtl_ _ _ _ _ _ 1481 Haiti, for study of policies in, by the President____________________ 64 Housing Corporation_ _____________ 237 Inter-American Conference on Agri- culture,etc___________________ 166 Interior DepartmenL __________ 281,1117 ID ternational Conference, Codifica- tion of International Law _____ _ 85 International Conference on Load Lincs________________________ 265 International Fur Trade Exhibition__ 87 Interstate Commerce Commission_ 239, 1366 Justice, Department oC ________ 186,1321 Labor, Department oC _________ 215,1352 Library of Congress ____________ 518,1187 Mexican Water Boundary Commis- sion________________ .. ______ _ 1162 Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Congress oC ___ .____________ 1034 Narcotic Drug COnference_________ 1516 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics __ .. _________ 94, 239, 1367 N ationrJ Institute of Health _ _ _ _ ___ 380 National Museum_________________ 242 National Park Service_ __ _____ __ __ _ 281 Navy DepartmenL ____________ 578,1452 Office of Education________________ 281 Pan American Child Congress, Sixth_ 585 Pa.ssa.maquoddy and Cobscook Bays, joint investigation_ _ _ _ _____ __ _ 531 Patent Office __________________ 19~ 1346 Personnel Classification Board______ 1367 Post Office Department- _____ ___ 360, 1236 Public Buildings and Parks, N ntional CapitaL __________________ 240,1368 Public Domain CODllDission_ ____ __ _ 153 Radio Commission_ _______________ 63 Reclamation Bureau _______ .. ______ 281 Shipping Board, United States ___ 244, 1371 Smithsonian Institution _________ 242,1370 State, Department oL __________ 174,1310 Supreme Court ________________ 188,132:! Supreme Court, D. C ______________ 1403 Tariff Commission _ ____________ 243, 1370 Treasury DepartmenL _________ 337,1218 Printing and Binding-Continued. P8ie Appropriation for-Continued. United Eipanish War Veterans, annual encampment proceedings_______ 1481 Veterans' Atlministration _______ 246,1374 Veterans of Foreign Wars, annual enca:.npment proceedings_ ____ __ 1481 War DepartmenL _____________ 433,1278 Deficiency appropriation for- Civil Service Commission___________ 1554 Commerce, Department oC _____ 100, 1564 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of___________________________ 1572 Federal Trade Commission__ _______ 94 General Accounting Office__________ 864 Interior, Department oC___________ 1565 Justice, Department oL _________ 879,1572 Labor, Department oC_ ___________ 109 Navy Department __________ . __ _ _ _ _ 110 State, Department oC_____________ 112 Tax Appeals, Board oL____________ 862 Veterans' Administration___________ 1556 War Policies Commission___________ IS57 Departmental reports abolished. R . S. sec. 196, repealed_______________ 1028 Printing, Joint Committee on: Appropriation for salaries _________ 512,1182 Deficiency appropriation for wood pulp hearings, reporting, etc., oL______ 92 Printing Machinery, duty on__ __ __ _____ 625 Printing Paper, not specially provided for _ 653 Printing-Presses, for blind, on free list___ 675 Prism-Binoculars. duty Oll______________ 607 Prisms, duty on _____ .________________ 605 Prison Camps: Appropriation for construction, repair, etc_________________________ . __ 1328 Deficicncy appropriation for construc- tion, etc________ _______ __ _______ 1574 Prison Commission, International, appro- priation for contribution ________ 180,1315 Prison Industry, dispute6 as to products of, settled by arbitration board_ ____ __ _ 390 Prisoners. See Federal prisoners. Prisons, appropriation for maintenance abroad, for American convicts ___ 185, 1320 Prisons, Bureau of. See aUo Justice, De- partment of. Office of Superintendent of Prisons hereafter known as______________ 325 Employment Stabilization Act, CO'l- struct.ion under____ ______ ____ __ _ 1085 Probation System, United States Courts: Appropriation for ________________ 192,1329 Appointment of officers; duties; com- pensation; etc________ __ ____ __ ___ 503 Chief probation officer, designation__ 503 Attorney General to investigate work of officers _________________________ 504 On tin production ________ u_ _ __ _ __ _ __ 682