Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1871

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INDEX. . CXCIX Thread-Continued. Page Duty on, cotton sewing ____________ 644,665 Three-Mile Creek, Ala., preliminary examination of, to be mnde_ - - --____ 939 Threshing Machines,onfreelisL----____ 672 Thumb Tacks, duty on__ _______________ 616 Thunderbolt, Ga., preliminary exami- nation to be made of inland waterway at______________________________ 937 Thurberia Weevil. appropriation for con- troL _________________________ 421,1272 Thyme Oil, on free list_ _ _______________ 680 Thymol, duty on_ ________ ____ ______ ___ 592 Tia Juana River, international comI;'<is- sionon useofwatersoL___________ 1162 Tides, Currents, etc., appropriation for observations oL __ _________ ____ ___ 1342 Tidewater Ton Properties (Incorporated) : Bridge authorized across Choptank River, by______________________ 794 PatuxentRiver,by_______________ 832 Tie Plates, duty on______________________ 614 Tiles, duty on______________________ 602, 608 Timber: Dutyon___________________________ 629 Live-oak, clearance of vessels laden with, R. S ., secs. 2463, 2405, re- pealed_ ____________ __ __ ___ 1028, 1029 On free list_ _ _ _ ___________ ______ __ _ 683 Purchase of, on privately owned lands in national parks, etc __ _ _________ 318 Time-Indicating Mechanisms, duty on_ 621, 623 Timothy Seed, duty on_ _____________ ___ 637 Tin: Duty on, chemical compounds________ 601 Foil, powdered_ _ ____ ____ __ _______ 626 Plates___________________________ 612 Duty on, to be proclaimed when production in United States equals 1,500 tons annually _____ 682 On free list, and alloys, not specially provided for ____ __ _____ __ ____ ___ 682 Tincture of OpiUm, duty on ____________ 598 Tinsel Wire,dutyon ________________ 627,660 Tire Fabric, duty Oll__________________ 642 Tires, Rubber, duty on________________ 668 Tissue Paper, duty on________________ 653 Titanium: Duty on____ - ____ ._ ___ _ ___ __ __ __ ___ 610 Potassium oxalate, duty on___________ 601 Title Entries, Catalogue of, appropriation for publication oL________________ 1188 Tittabawassee River, Mich., preliminary examination oL _ _________________ 1083 Toadlena Indian HGspital, N. Mex., ap- propriation for____________________ 1136 Tobacco: Appropriation for- Collecting, etc., statistics on _____ 419,1269 Investigations _____ 404, 406, 413, 418, 1255 Tobacco-Continued. Pa&,e Dutyon___________________________ 631 Manufactured in bonded warehouse. 692 Pipes, pouches, etc_ _____________ 670, 671 Internal-revenue stamps, redemption_ _ 1510 On free list_________________________ 674 Stems___________________________ 682 Products of, exported without payment of internal-revenue tax_ _ _ _______ 696 Toccoa, Ga., appropriation for public building at__ _____ _____ ______ _____ 1603 Togus, Me.: Appropriation for National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers_ _ ___ 465, 911, 1375, 1557 Hospital authorized_ ______ ____ ______ 366 Tohatchi Hospital, Ariz., appropriation for health conservation among I n- dians_________________________ 299, 1135 Toilet Articles: Dllty on, brushes___________________ 659 Soap, waters, etc________________ 599,600 On free list_________________________ 683 Preparations on which drawback allowed________________________ 694 Tokyo, Japan: Appropriation for- Embassy at, annual ground renL 175, 1314 Foreign Service building construction at____ .. ______________________ 178 Toledo, Ohio: AplJropriation for- Public building at_________________ 354 Steamboat inspectors at. _ _ _ __ _ _ 199,1335 Preliminary examination of, harbor to be made_______________________ 942 Time extended for bridging Maumee River, aL______________________ 551 Tolidine, duty on_____________________ 592 Tolls, Bridges, regulation of charges_____ 821 Toluene: Duty on, sulfochloride, sulfonamide_ __ 593 On free list_________________________ 676 Toluidine, duty on____________________ 593 Tolylenediamine, duty on______________ 593 Tomah Indian Hospital, Wis., appropria- tions fOL _________________ 300,877,1136 Tomah, Wis., appropriation for education of Indians_____________________ 297,1133 Tomatoes, duty on____________________ 638 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: Deficiency appropriation for construc- tion of approaches, etc___________ 122 Unexpended balances available __ 381, 1610 Tombigbee River: Bridge authorized across, at Fulton, Miss _____________ ._ _ __ _ __ _____ 1044 Preliminary examination of, to be made_ Time extended for bridging, at Aber- deen, Miss ____________________ _ 939 30