Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1884

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.. CCXll INDEX. War Department-Continued. P8~e Appropriation for-Continued. Panama Canal- Alien cripples, payment to ____ 467, 1307 Civil government expenses ____ 468,1308 Codification of Canal Zone la.ws_ _ 468 Governor, salary oL _________ 467,1307 Madden Dam construction, etc_ 467, 1308 Maintenance and operation ___ 467, 1307 Medical aid, etc., to persons in- jured in service oL ______ 468, 1308 Sanitation, etc ______________ 467,1308 Supplies, etc ________________ 467,1307 Waterworks, etc., operation in Panama and Colon ______ 468, 1308 Printir.g and binding ___________ 433,1278 Quartermaster COrps ______ 432,1277,1282 Building construction, etc., at military posts ___________ 440,1285 Cemeteries, maintenance, etc __ 458, 1302 Clothing and equipage________ 438,1283 Expenses, incidental, of the Army __________________ 439,1284 Horses, draft and pack animals_ 440, 1285 Hospitals, construction, repairs, etc _____________________ 442, 1288 Subsistence, supplies, etc______ 437, 1282 Transportation ______________ 439,1284 Salaries, Secretary, Assistant, and office perbonneL ___________ 432,1277 Seacoast defenses ______________ 442,1288 Signal Corps _________ 432,443,1277,1288 Telegraph and telephone systems, purchase, etc ____________ 443,1288 Washington-Alaska military cable and telegraph system, opera- tion expenses, etc _ _______ 462, 1305 State and territorial homes for dis- abled volunteer soldiers________ 466 Veterans' Administration benefici- aries, expenditures for care, etc., of________________________ 246, 1374 World War records, assembling, etc_ 1277 Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebra- tion, participation expenses_ _ _ _ 1279 Deficiency appropriation for-- Adjutant General's Office _______ 121,1606 WorId War Adjusted Compensa- tion Act, administrative ex- penses_____________________ 121 Air Corps, Army 909, 1075, 1080, 1607, 1619 Landing fields, construction, 2tc 909, 1607 Maxwell Field, Ala.., acquisition_ _ 909 Audited claims___________________ 129, 132,915,917, 107~ 1081, 162~ 1626 Cavalry, Chief oL________________ 1619 Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans_ 1619 Chemical Warfare Service ______ 1075,1619 Citizens' military training camps____ 1620 War Department-Continued. P8~e Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Coast Artillery, Chief of ___________ 1620 Coast Artillery School, Fort Mon- roe, Va_ ____ ______ _________ 1620 Damage claims __ 124,912,1075,1076,1622 Emergency construction _ __________ 1074 Engineer Corps ___________ 433,1607,1610 Damage claims_________________ 123 Flood-control survey _ ___________ 911 Fort Pierce Harbor, Fla., dredging_ 1610 General expenses________________ 1619 Salmon River, Alaska, survey of flood controL______________ 1610 River and harbor improvements_ _ 123 Finance Department __________ 1606,1618 Pay, etc., of the Army___________ 1606 Finance service_________________ 1618 Yellow fever roll of honor, annui- ties _ _ _ ____________________ 122 General Staff Corps, Army War Col- lege_________________________ 1618 Infantry, Chief oL________________ 1619 Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga_ 1619 Tank Service___________________ 1619 Inspectur General's Department____ 1618 Insular Affairs, Bureau oL _____ 1607,1619 Filipino soldiers, insane, care of- 122, 1607 Judge Advocate General's Depart- ment________________________ 1605 World War claims, settlement oC _____________________ 121, 1605 Judgments ___ 124,125,912,913,1076,1622 Medical Department______________ 1619 Military Academy, United States_ ___ 909, 1080, 1308, 1620 Militia Bureau __________ 1075, 1608,1620 National Guard, arming, etc__ ____ 1608 National Home for Disabled Volun- teer Soldiers ____________ - ___ 123, 911 Nonmilitary activities_ ____________ 1075 Ordnance Department ____ 1075,1607,1619 Ammunition storage facilities____ 1607 Moline-Rock Island Bridge Con- • struction____ _____ __________ 122 Ordnance service and supplies_ ___ 1619 Panama CanaL____ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ 1620 Civilgovernment _______________ 1620 Ferry and highway near Pacific entrance___________________ 911 Schools, survey oL______________ 124 Quartermaster Corps_ _____________ 122, 908,910,1074,1075,1606,1608 Army, subsistence oL ___________ 908 Barracks, quarters, etc____ _______ 129, 133,915,917,1619 Cemeterial expenses _____________ 1608 Construction, under __________ 908, 1074 Expenses, incidentaL ___________ 1619