Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1891

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INDEX. . CCXlX Woodward,Okla. --Continued. Page Deficiency appropriation for dairy station_____________________ - -- - 1068 Terms of court at___________________ 830 Wool: Appropriation for marketing studies_ 420,1270 Defined in Tariff Act________________ 650 Dutyon___________________________ 646 Fabrics _____________________ -- -- -' 650 Grease ______________________ ---- - 598 Manufactures oL_ _____ __ _________ 646 Not specially provided for ___ - - _- 650 llags____________________________ 648 Wastes ________________________ 644,648 Regulations for carrying out provisions of wool schedule to be made_____ _ 646 Wool Clip of 1918, appropriation for com- pletion of distribution from ______ 420, 1270 Woonsocket, R. I., appropriation for pub- lic building aL___________________ 354 Worcester, Mass., appropriation for pub- lic building at____________________ 354 Works of Art: Duty on ___ .. _______________________ 669 On free list____ ____ ____ ____ __ __ ___ __ 684 World Trade Directory Reports, charges for, to be made by S~cretary of Commerce ____________________ 197,1333 World War: Appropriation for- Military records, assembling, etc_ 1277, 1606 Naval records, publication, etc_ _ _ _ _ 576, 578, 1451, 1452 French veterans' convention, enter- tainment expenses authorized_ ___ 1521 Memorial in District of Columbia to American Expeditionary Forces, Second Division, authorized______ 1515 Officers of Navy and Marine Corps, with spcrial combat service in, retired with next higher grade____ 1485 World War Adjusted Compensation Act. See also Adjusted Compensation Act. Appropriation for carrying out pr~ visions oC ________ _____________ 245 Deficiency appropriation for adminiB- trative expewws____ ,_ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ 121 Amendment-- Loan basis of adjusted-service certif- icates increased_ _ ___ ________ _ 1429 Unpaid prior loans to be adjusted___ 1429 Funds available for payment of loans________________________ 1429 Appropri&.tions authorized_ __ ______ 1429 World War Claims. See War Claims Act of 1928. World War Foreign Debt Commission. See a180 Mellon-Berenger Agreement. Settlement of indebtedness of France, by ________ ~______ _______ ______ 48 World War Veterans. See Veterans' Ad- Page ministration. World War Veterans Act, 1924, Amend- ments: Appropriation for carrying out provi- sions oL_______________________ 245 Domiciliary care under, extended_ _____ 1550 Appropriation for_________________ 1629 Administrative powers and duties of Veterans' Bureau under__________ 991 Adjudications; admission of lay and nonmedical evidence_______ .__ ___ 991 Regulations to be prescribed____ . __ _ 991 Recreational facilities provided________ 991 Appropriations, if unexpended, made available_______________________ 992 Refund of insurance premiums paid beyond maturity________________ 992 Settlement of disputes_ ____________ 992 Jurisdiction of courts to direct re- funds conferred_______________ 992 Time allowed for bringing suits_ _______ 992 Incompetents____________________ 993 Subprenas may run outside district__ __ 993 Allowances, to bureau attorneys as- signed to trials, etc______________ 993 To employees appearing as witnesses; official leave granted__________ 993 " Claim" and "disagreement" defined_ 993 Condition imposed upon all claimants_ 993 Payment to guardian of minor________ 993 To dependents of incompetent vet- eran_________________________ 993 Disposition of unpaid balance______ 994 If veteran recovers, etc____________ 994 If veteran dies, to escheat to United States_______________________ 994 No recovery of payments from persons without fault__________ 994 Or if adverse to purposes of Act_____ 994 Liability of disbursing officer for, waived ________________________ 994 Sums recovered to rein.burse Govern- ment life insurance fund__________ 994 Inspection of files, etc., by representa- tives of service bodies permitted_ __ 994 Disposition of undelivered checks, etc ______________ ~__ ___ ___ ___ __ 994 Arlington Building, D. C ., uniforms, custodial service_ _______________ 995 Collection, etc., of medical and service records authorized_______________ 995 Disability allowance to veteran for in- jury or disease, etc.; restriction_ ___ 995 Grading of paralysis, paresis, etc____ 995 Presumption as to soundness, etc____ _ 995 Rating for other diseases___________ 995 For injury not acquired in service____ 996 Payments not r~troactivc__________ 996