Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/243

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cg. 184 . 1930 . Load lines on Amer- ican vessels . Enforcing last regu- Load lines on American vessels : To enable the Secretary of Com- latmg, etc' merce to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to Vol. 45, p . 1492.

establish load lines for American vessels, and for other purposes," U. S. C., Supp. IV, p.609.

approved March 2, 1929 (U . S . C., Supp. III, title 46, sees . 85-85g), including personal services in the District of Columbia and else- where, traveling expenses, rentals, purchase of instruments and other equipment, furniture, stationery and office supplies, repairs to equip- ment, books of reference and other necessary publications, docu- Reporting . me nts . plans and specifications, contract stenographic reporting U. SS. C c1 . ii 9.733. services without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Satutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5), and all other incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, $32,210, of which not to exceed $17,640 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Standards Bureau .

BU REAU OF STANDARDS Director, and office Salaries : For the director and other personal services in the personnel . District of Columbia, $710,000 ; Equipment : For apparatus, machinery, tools, and appliances used in connection with buildings or work of the bureau, typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, laboratory sup- plies, materials, and supplies used in the construction of apparatus, machinery, or other appliances, including' their exchange ; piping, wiring, and construction incident to the installation of apparatus, machinery, or appliances ; furniture for laboratories and offices, cases for apparatus, $163,000, including $93,000 for repairs and Building repairs, etc . necessary alterations to buildings, of which amount $75,000 may be used for remodeling the north building, including contract architec- tural services ; General expenses : For fuel for heat, lig ht, and po wer ; office expenses, stationery, cleaning and toilet supplies, books and periodi- cals, which may be exchanged when not needed for permanent use ; traveling expenses ; street-car fares not exceeding $100 ; expenses of the visiting committee ; expenses of attendance of American member at the meeting of the International Committee of Weights and Measures ; purchase of gloves, goggles, rubber boots, and aprons ; supplies for operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger auto- mobiles and motor trucks for official use, including their exchange ; and contingencies of all kinds, $64,000 ; Improvement and care of grounds : For grading, construction of roads and walks, piping grounds for water supply, lamps, wiring for lighting purposes, and other expenses incident to the improve- ment and care of grounds, including foreman and laborers in the District of Columbia, $19,400 ; Testing structural materials : For continuation of the investigation of structural materials, such as stone, clays, cement, and so forth, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $320,000 : Provi ded, That as m uch of thi s sum as necessary shall be used to collect and disseminate such scientific, practical, and statistical information as may be procured, showing or tending to show approved methods in building, planning and construction, standardizationn and adaptability of structural units, including building materials and codes, economy in the manufacture and utilization of building materials and supplies, and such other mat- ters as may tend to encourage, improve, and cheapen construction and housing ; Equi pment . General expenses . International Com- mittee of Weights and Measures . Care, etc.,of grounds . Structural materials investigations . Services in the Dis- trict . Proviso . Disseminating infor- mation as to housing, et c, LOAD LI NES ON AMERICAN VESSE LS