Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/275

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232 BOARD OF TAX APP EAL S For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Board of Tax Appeals as authorized under Title IX, section 900, of the Revenue Act of 1924, approved June 2, 1924, as amended by Title X of the Revenue Act of 1926, approved February 26, 1926, and Title IV of the Revenue Act of 1928, approved May 29, 1928, includ- ing personal services and contract stenographic reporting services to be obtained by renewal of existing contract, or otherwise, rent o utside t he Distr ict of Co lumbia, travelin g expens es, car fare, sta - t ionery, furnitur e, office equipme nt, purc hase and exchang e of type - writers, law books and books of reference, periodicals, and all other necessary supplies, $595,000, of which amount not to exceed $533,370 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . For all printing and binding for the Board of Tax Appeals, $ 45,000 . Total, Board of Tax Appeals, $640,000 . Efficiency Bureau .

BUREAU OF"EFFICIENCY s°nnel f, and office per. For chief of bureau and other personal services in the District o f C ol u mb ia ; cont ract sten ographic reporti ng servi ces ; contingen t expenses, including traveling expenses ; supplies, stationery ; purchase and exchange of equipment ; not to exceed $100 for law books, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals ; and not to exceed $150 for street-car fare ; in all, $223,830, of which amount not to exceed Di s- $217,780 may be expended for personal services in the District of Co lumbia . Printing and bind- I, or all printing andng f or the B ureau of Efficie ncy $500 bindi, . Total, Bureau of Efficiency, 224,330, Civi l Servi ce Com-

CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION mission. Commissioners, and Salaries : For three commissioners and other personal services .M e', personnel .

in the District of Columbia, $700,000 . Field force .

Field force : For salaries of the field force, $447,000 . Details from depart- N o details from any executive department or independent establish- ments, etc., in the Dis- trict forbidden .

ment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere to the commission's central office in Washington or to any of its district offices shall be made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931 ; but this shall not affect the making of details for service as members of boards of Int erc han ge able as- exa miners o utside th e immedi ate offi ces of t he distri ct secre taries . siEm Emergency

The Civil Service Commission shall have power in case of emergency Emergency transfers of office or field force. t o transfer or detail any of its employees herein provided for to or from its office or field force . Exper t examin ers . For employment of expert examiners not in the Federal service to prepare questions and rat e papers in exam inations on speci al sub- jects for which examiners within the service are not available, $2,000 . For e xamin atio n of presi dent ial p ostma ster s, in cludi ng t ravel , stationery, contingent expenses, additional examiners, and investi- gat ors . a nd o ther neces sary expe nses of e xamin ation s, $27,360, of which amount not to exceed $23,360 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . For n ecess ary trave ling expe nses, incl udin g tho se of exa miner s acting under the direction of the commission, and for expenses of examinations and investigations held elsewhere than at Washington and including not exceeding $1,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings of public officials when specifically directed by the commis- s io n, $68,000 . Boa rd of Tax Ap- peals. All expenses . Vol .43 .p . 336 . Vol . 44, p. 105. Vol . 45, p. 871. Pri nting a nd bind- ing . Services in the trict . in g. Examination of Pres- idential postmasters. Tra vel ing etc. exp ense s, SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss, II. CH. 201 . 1930.