Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/287

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244 Printing and b ind- ing . Shipping fund . Merchant Fleet Cor- poration expenses pay- 'al e from. Sources of . Amount on ha nd July 1, 1930 . For employees . From sales of ships and surplus property . Li quida tion ex- pe nses. Provisos. E xpe rim enta l, etc ., work . Vol . 45, p. 1244. Claims not payable therefrom. Earned interest . Operating ships for carrying coal to foreign ports . Balance available . Vol.45,p.1244. Unexpended balance for special claims con- tinued . Vol.45,p. 1244. Operation of ships taken back from pur- chasers . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cia. 201 . 1930 . ra nge of salary prescribed for the appropriate grade to which the p ositi on ha s been allo cated under the classi ficat ion A ct of 1923, as amended, shall not be subject to reduction in salary by reason of their transfer during the fiscal years 1930 and 1931 to the pay roll of the Shipping Board . For all printing and binding for the United States Shipping B oard, inclu ding all of its bureau s, offices, institution s, and serv ices l ocate d in Washin gton, Dist rict o f Col umbia, and elsew here, $12,0 00 . UNITED S TATES SHIPPING BOARD SHIPPING FUND For expenses of the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, for admin- istrative purposes, miscellaneous adjustments, losses due to the main- tenance and operation of ships, including operation through an agreement to pay a lump-sum compensation, for the repair of ships, fo r the purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor vehicles for official purposes only ; for the payment of pre- miums for liability, fire, theft, property damage, and collision insur- ance and for other forms of insurance, including schedule and fidelity bonds, commonly carried by commercial corporations engaged in the same or a similar business, and for carrying out the provisions of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, and amendments thereto, (a) the amount of operating funds on hand July 1, 1930, not to exceed $50,000,000 ; (b) $5,950,000, including the salaries of employees of the Fleet Corporation assigned to the Shipping Board ; (c) all amounts received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, other th an the proceeds of sales of ships and surplus property ; (d ) so mu ch of the total proceeds of sales of ships and surplus property received during the fiscal year 1931, but not exceeding $2,000,000, as is necessary to meet the expenses of liquidation, including the c osts incid ent to the deliv ery of vess els to purc haser s, the cost of maintaining the laid-up fleet and the salaries and expenses of the personnel engaged in liquidation : Provided, That the unexpended balance of $500,000 made available for experimental and research work in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal y ear 1 930 i s here by re appro priate d and made avail able until June 30, 1931, for the same purposes and under the same terms, including s uperv ision and i nspec tion of con struc tion o f ves sels on whi ch lo ans have been made from the construction loan fund : Provided further, That no part of these sums, (a), (b), (c), and (d), shall be used for the payment of claims arising out of the construction and requi- sitioning of vessels ; (e) all interest earned on the funds, excepting the construction loan fund, of the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation is to accrue to these funds and is made a vailable fo r the purpo ses hereinb efore set f orth subject to the lim ita- tions herein established : Provided further, That the unexpended bal- ances of the sums made available by the Independent Offices Act, 19 30, for reconditioning and operating ships for carrying coal to foreign ports shall continue available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1931 . That portion of the special claims appropriation, contained in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1923, com- mitted prior to July 1, 1923, and remaining unexpended on June 30, 1930, shall continue available until June 30, 1931, for the same pur- po ses and under the same conditions . To enable the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Co rporation to operate ships or lines of ships which have been or may be taken back from purchasers by reason of competition or other m ethods em ployed by foreign s hipowners or operato rs, there is