Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/34

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUT IONS . Page . Brid ge, Escatawpa River. An Act Autho rizin g the States of Alabama and Mississippi, through their respective highway departments, to construct, maintain, and operate a free h ighway bridge across the E scatawp a Rive r at or near W ilmer, Alabam a, and Latonia, Mississippi, connecting Mobile County, Alabama, and George County, Miss issip pi . February 13, 1931 1099 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act Grant ing t he con sent of Co ngress to the State of Min- nesota to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River near Bemidji, Minnesota . February 13,1931 1100 Bridge, Little Calumet River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Little Calumet River on South Halsted Street at One hundred and thirtieth Street, in Co ok County, State of Illinois. February 13, 1931 1100 Bridge, Fox River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to con- struct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Fox River at Algonquin, in McHenry County, State of Illinois . February 13, 1931 1100 Bridge, Saline River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Arkansas State High- way Commission to maintain and operate, as constructed, a free highway bridge across Saline River near Kingsland, Arkansas, on State Highway Numbered 3, from Pine Bluff to Fordyce, Arkansas . Februa ry 13, 1931 1101 N avy Co mmissi oners Island , La . An Act Providing for the c onfir mation of the title of certa in p urcha sers from the Stat e of Loui siana of lands for merly inc luded in the L ive Oak naval reserve on Navy Commissioners Island, in Saint Mary Parish, Louisi ana, now abandoned . Feb rua ry 14,1931 1101 Timberland, Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn . An Act Providing for the sale of timberland in four townships in the State of Minnesota . February 14, 1931 1102 Min idoka reclamation proje ct, Idaho . An Act To provide for the relinquishment by the United States of certain lands to th e city of Rupert in the county of Mi nidoka, in the State of Idaho . Fe bru ary 14,1931 1102 Menominee Indians of Wisconsin . An Act Authorizing a per c apita payme nt of $50 to the mem ber s of the Menominee Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin from funds on dep os it to their credit in the Treasury of the United States . February 14, 1931 1102 Travel allowance by automobile, etc . An Act To pe rmit payme nts fo r the opera tion of mo tor cycles and automobiles used for necessary travel on official business, on a mileage basis in lieu of actual operating expenses . F ebruar y 14,19 31 1103 Rzeczyczany, Poland, reimbursement . An Act Authorizing the payment of a claim presented by the Polish Government for the reimbursement of certain expenditures incurred by the co mmuni ty au thorit ies o f Rzec zycza ny, P oland, to w hich place an in sane a lien was er roneo usly deport ed . February 14,1931 1103 Denmar k, ind emnity . An Act For compensation to the owners of the Danish motor ship Indien for damages sustained as the result of a collision with the Unite d States Coast Guard Cutter Shawnee at San Francisco on April 5, 1925 . February 14, 1931 1103 Utah, exchange of lands . An Act To authorize an exchange of lands between the United States and the State of Utah . Februa ry 14,1 931 1104 Klamath Indian Reservation, Oreg ., prosecuting suits . An Act Authorizing the use of tribal funds of Indians belonging on the Klamath Reservation, Oregon, to pay expenses con- nected with suits pending in the Court of Claims, and for other purposes . February 14, 1931 1105 Crow Indian Reservation, Mont ., sale of lands . An Act Providing for the sale of isolated tracts in the former Cr ow Indian Reservation, Montana . February 14, 1931 1105 Institutions for benefit of Indians, donations . An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to accept donations to or in behalf of institutions conducted for the benefit of Indian s. Febru ary 14, 1931 1106 Hot Springs National Park, Ark., additions . An Act To authorize the acceptance of a tract of land adjoining Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, and for other purposes . Feb- ruary 14, 1931 1106 Frazer, Mont ., cooperation in construction of school . An Act To provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Frazer, Montana, in the construction of a high-school building to be available to Indian children o f the Fort Peck Indian Reservation . February 14, 1931 1106 Chippewa Indians, Minnesota . An Act Providing for payment of $25 to each enrolled Chip- pe wa Indian of Minnesota from the funds standing to their credit in the Treasury of the United States. February 14,1931 1107 Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations, N . and S. Dak. An Act To amend the Act of April 25, 1922, as amended, entit led "An Act authorizing extensions o f time for the payment of purchase money due under certain homestead entries and Government- land purchases within the former Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian Reser- vations, North Dakota and South Dakota ." February 14, 1931 1107 Irrigation projects . An Act To amend the A ct app roved March 2, 1929, entitl ed "A n Act to autho rize the disposition of unplatted po rtions of Government town sites on i rrigation projects under the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902, and for other purposes ." Fe b- ruary 14, 1931 1107 White Earth Indian Reservation, Minn. An Act Providing for the sale of Chippewa Indian la nd to the State of Minnesota . February 14, 1931 1108