Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/351

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ca . 273. 1930 . Balance available . Vol. 45, p . 1591. Belle Fourche, S. Dak . Proviso . Balance available . Vol .45, p . 1592. Post, p . 1144. Salt Lake, Utah, first division. Vol. 45, p. 1592 . Post, p . 1144. Second division . Construction . Proviso. Contracts for co n- struction costs by irri- gation districts . Post, 1144. Yakima, Wash. Proviso. Balances available . Vol. 45, pp . 229, 1592. Post, 1144. Ki ttitas divi sion . Proviso . Balance available. Vol.45,p.1592. Post, p. 1144. K ennew ick High- lands unit . Construction. Post, p. 1145. Provisos. Prosser Dam title, etc ., to be conveyed the unexpended balance of the appropriation for continuation of construction for the fiscal year 1930 ; for refunds to lessees of mar- ginal lands, Tule Lake, $5,000 ; in all, $269,000 ; Belle Fourche project, South Dakota : For continuation of con- struction, $157,000 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appropriation for continuation of construction for the fiscal year 1930 shall remain available for the fiscal year 1931 ; Salt Lake Basin project, Utah, first division : The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $1,750,000 for construction of Echo Reservoir and Weber-Provo Canal, for the fiscal year 1929, con- tinued available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1930 , shal l remain available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1931 ; Salt Lake Basin project , Utah, second division : For co mm enc e- ment of con struc tion, $300,000 : Provided, That no part of this sum shall be available for construction work until a contract or contracts shall be made with an irrigation district or districts embracing said division, which, in addition to other conditions required by law, shall require payment of construction costs within a period not exceeding thirty years from the date water shall be available for delivery, as to lands now u nder produ ction, trib utary to ca nals and la teral s alr eady constructed, and for the irrigation of which a supplementary water supply is to be furnished ; Yakima project, Washington : For operation and maintenance, $325,000 : Provided, That the unexpended balances of the appropria- tions for continuation of construction for the fiscal years 19 29 and 1930 shall be available during the fiscal year 1931 ; Yakima project (Kittitas division), Washington : For operation and maintenance, $25,000 ; for continuation of construction, $945,000 : Prov ide d, That the u nexpe nded balanc e of the a ppropr iatio n for con- tinuation of construction for the fiscal year 1930 shall remain avail- able during the fiscal year 1931 ; in all, $970,000 ; Yakima project (Kennewick Highlands unit), Washington : For construction, $640,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That no part of the funds hereby appropriated shall be expended for con- struction purposes until there shall have been conveyed to the United States title to the Prosser Dam and the right of way for the Prosser- Chandler Power Canal free of all prior liens and satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That all net revenues received from the disposition of power not required for pumping water for the irrigation of lands in the Kennewick Irrigation Dis- trict shall be applied, first, to the payment of the construction cost incurred by the United States in connection with the Kennewick Hi ghlands unit, including the power plant and appurtenances until said construction cost is fully paid ; and, thereafter, to retire the obligations incurred by the said district in the purchase of the said dam and right of way : And provided further, That title to, and the legal and equitable ownership of, the power plant and appurtenances constructed by the United States pursuant to this appropriation shall be and remain in the United States, and all net revenues there- from shall go to the reclamation fund after payment of aforesaid c onstru ction cost and r etire ment o f sai d obl igatio ns ; Riverton project, Wyoming : For operation and maintenance, $30,000 ; continuation of construction, $28,000 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appropriation for continuation of con- struction, for the fiscal year 1930 , shall remain available for the power rave- fiscal year 1931 : Provided further, That not to exceed $20,000 from the power revenues shall be available during the fiscal year 1931 for the operation and maintenance of the commercial system ; in all, Use of pow er reve- nues . Power plant tit le, etc ., to remain in Unite d States . Riverto n, Wyo . Pr ovi sos . Balance available . Vol. 45, p. 1592. Post, p. 1145. Use of nues .