Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/366

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cs. 273. 1930.

323 Provided further, That not to exceed $9,000 of such fund shall be available for printing and binding : Provided further, That $200,000 of such fund shall be available only for such capital expenditures as are charge able to capital account under accounting regulations pre- scribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission, which amount shall be available immediately . TERRITORY OF HAWAII Governor, $10,000 ; secretary, $5,800 ; in all, $15,800 . For contingent expenses, to be expended by the governor, for sta- tionery, p ostage, and incidentals, $1,0 00 ; p riva te sec reta ry to t he governor, $3,100 ; temporary clerk hire, $500 ; for traveling expenses of the governor while absent from the capital on official business, $500 ; in all, $5,100 . Legi sla tiv e ex pen ses : For furniture, ligh t, telephone, stationery record casings and files, printing and binding, including printing, publication, and binding of the session laws and the House and Sen- ate journals, indexing records, postage, ice, water, clerk hire, mileage of members, and incidentals, pay of chaplain, clerk, sergeant at arms, stenograph ers, typewriters, janitors, a nd messengers, $30,000 : Pro- vided, That the members of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii shall not draw their compensation of $500 or any mileage for an extra session, held in compliance with section 54 of an act to provi de a governme nt for the Te rritory of H awaii, approv ed April 30, 1900 . SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL For support, clothing, and t reatment in Saint Elizabeths Hospital for the Insane of insane persons from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, insane inmates of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crime s against the United State s who are in sane, all per sons who have become insane since their entry into the military and naval serv- ice of the United States, insane civilians in the quartermaster service of the Army, insane persons transferred from the Canal Zone who have been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, American citiz ens legally a djudged insan e in the Dom inion of Cana da whose legal residence in one of the States, Territories, or the District of Columbia it has been impossible to establish, insane beneficiaries of the U nited States Employees' Co mpensation C ommission, an d insane beneficiaries of the United States Veterans' Bureau, including not exceeding $27,000 for the purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, and o peration of m otor-propelle d passenger- carrying vehi cles for the use of the superintendent, purchasing agent, and general hospi- tal business, and including not to exceed $280,000 for repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $1,093,248, including mainte- nance and operation of necessary facilities for feeding employees and ot hers (at not less than cost), and the proceeds therefrom s hall reimburse the appropriation for the institution ; and not exceeding $1, 500 of this s um may be exp ended in the removal of p atients to their friends, not exceeding $1,500 in the purchase of such books, pe riodical s, and ne wspapers , for wh ich payme nt may b e made i n adv ance, as may be required f or the purpos es of the ho spital and for the medical library, and not exceeding $1,500 for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the apprehension and return to the hospital of escaped patients : Provided, That so much of this sum as may be requir ed shall be a vailable for all necessar y expenses in ascertaining the residence of inmates who are not or who cease to be properly c hargeable to Federal maint enance in th e institu- Printing and bind- ing. Capital account of expe nditures . Hawaii . Governor, secretary, e tc. Contingent expenses . Legislative expenses . Post, pp . 824, 1070 . Proviso. No pay for extra ses- sions . Vol . 31, p. 150. Post, p . 824. Saint Elizabeths Hos- pital. Ma int enan ce, etc . Ante, p . 281. Ins ane American citizens in Canada . Vol. 45, p. 1495. Vehicles, etc . Provisos . R eturn ing i nmate s who are not Federal charges .