Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/415

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Ca. 306. 1930 . For fiscal year, 1934 . SEC . 4. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1933, such amounts as may be neces- sar fo r- ) The establishment of a fish-cultural station in each of the following States, at a cost not to exceed the amount specified : Nevada, $60,000 ; Illinois, $75,000 ; New Jersey, $75,000 ; a fish cul- tural substatio n in Mississippi (in the sout hern part of the State), $50,000 . (2) The purchase or cons truction of a steel fish-dist ribution car at a cost not to exceed $75,000 . For fiscal year, 1935 . SEC . 5 . There are hereby authorized to be appropriated during the fis cal year begi nning July 1, 1934, such amounts as may be necessary for- (1) The establishment of a fish-cultural substation in each of the following States, at a cost not to exceed the amount specified : Ohio, $35,000 ; Kansas, $35,000 ; North Dakota, $35,000 ; Georgia, $35,000 . (2) The purch ase and repai r of the Litt le White Salm on station in the State of Washington, at a cost not to exceed $35,000 . (3) The establ ishment of a fishery laborato ry in the Territory of Alaska, at a cost not to exceed $50,000 . ( 4) The es tablishm ent of a n experim ental an d bass a nd trout station in the Pisgah National Forest or in the Great Smoky National Park in the State of North Carolina upon the acquisition of said park by the United States, at a cost not to exceed $35,000 . Stations, etc ., specified he

SEC. 6. (a) The stations, substations, and laboratories authorized loca ted in spe states, etc . by sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 shall be located in the States and parts thereof and in the Territory specified, at such suitable points as may be selected by the Secretary of Commerce . ized for Eapen ditur purc aha seo

(b) Any appropriation made under authority of sections 1, 2, 3, of sites . 4, and 5 may be expended for the purchase of sites, and the purchase of equipment, the construction of buildings and ponds, and for such other expenses as may be incidental to the cost of the establishment, purchase, or enlargement, as the case may be, of the station, substa- tion, or laboratory in question . state cooperation re- quired . (c) No part of an appropriation made under authority of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 shall be e xpended in the construction, purchase, or enlargement of a station or substation until the State i n which such station or substation is to be located shall have by legislative action accorded to the United States Commissioner of Fisheries and his duly authorized agents the right to conduct fish hatching and fish culture and all operations connected therewith in any manner and at any time that may by the commissioner be considered necessary and proper, any laws of the State to the contrary notwithstanding . Service discontinued on fa ilur e, etc . Th e operation of any station, s ubstation, or laboratory esta blished, purchased, or enlarged under authority of this Act shall be discon- tinued whenever the State ceases to accord such right ; and such op eration may be su spended by the S ecretary of Comme rce when - ever in his judgment State laws or regulations affecting fishes culti- vated are allowed to remain so inadequate as to impair the efficiency of such station, substation, or laboratory . c• ations. • thoriations of an- (d) That the authorizations herein given in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with refer ence to appropriations for ce rtain specified years are for the purpose of indicating priority proposed to be given the various proje cts enumerate d therein, bu t shall not be held to re quire the appropriat ions therein enumerated to be made in the years specified, and the appropriations enumerated are likewise_ authorized in prior or su bsequent year s in annual o r supplement al appropriat ion Acts . ations izedr•pr' SEC. 7. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, in addi- tion to all other amounts authorized by law to be appropriated, not to exceed the following amounts during the fiscal years specified I