Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/492

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449 expended under the direction of such of the War Dep artment agencies as may be considered most effective for the purpose : Pro- vided further, That the funds appropriated under this title in the sec ond defi ciency Ac t, fisca l year 1 928, app roved May 29, 192 8, and the second deficiency Act, fiscal year 1929, approved March 4, 1929, shall remain available until June 30, 1931 . GAUGES, DIES, AND JI GS FOR MANUFACTURE For the development and procurement of gauges, dies, jigs, and other special aids and appliances, including specifications and detailed drawings, to carry out the purpose of section 123 of the National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916 (U . S . C., title 50, sec . 78), $75,000 . CHE MIC AL WAR FAR E S ERV ICE For purchase, manufacture, and test of chemical warfare gases or other toxic substances, gas masks, or other offensive or defensive materials or appliances required for gas-warfare purposes, including all necessary investigations, research, design, experimentation, and operation connected therewith ; purchase of chemicals, special scien- tific and technical apparatus and instruments ; construction, main- tenance, and repair of plants, buildings, and equipment, and the mac hine ry th erefo r ; receiving, storing, and issuing of supplies, com- prising police and office duties, rents, tolls, fuels, gasoline, lubri- cants, paints and oils, rope and cordage, light, water, advertising, stationery, typewriting and adding machines, i nclud ing their exchange, office furniture, tools, and instruments ; f or incid ental expenses ; for civilian employees ; for libraries of the Chemical War- fare Service and subscriptions to periodicals, which may be paid for i n ad va nc e ; for expe nses inc idental to the o rganizati on, trai ning, and equipment of special gas troops not otherwise provided for, including the training of the Army in chemical warfa re, both offensive and defensive, together with the necessary schools, tactical demonstrations, and maneuvers ; for current expenses of chemical projectile filling plants and proving grounds, including construction and mainten ance of r ail tran sportati on, repa irs, alte rations, ac ces- sories, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, $1,295,215 . CHIEF OF INFANTRY INFANTRY SCHOOL, FORT BENNING, GEORGIA For the purchase of textb ooks, bo oks of r eference , scienti fic and pr ofess iona l pap ers ; instruments and material for instruction, emp loyment of tempor ary, tec hnical, special, and cler ical ser vices, and for the necessary expenses of instruction at the Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, $38,433 . TAN K SERVICE For payment of the neces sary civilian employees to assist in handling the clerical work in the office of the tank center, ta nk schools, and the various tank organization headquarters, including the office of the Chief of Infantry ; and for the payment of the necessary mechanics to assist in repairing and preserving tanks in the hands of tank units, $25,320 . Incidental expenses in connection with the operation of the tank schools, $1, 870 . 5789-1 •-31-2 9 Fund s available . Vol. 45, pp . 928, 1665. Gauges, dies, and jigs, Procuring, for arma- ment manufacture . Vol . 39, p. 215. U.S. C.,p.1694. Chemical Wa rfare Service. Purchase, manufac . ture. etc ., of gases . Plants,

bui ldi ngs, machinery, etc . Orga nizing special gas troops . Curr ent expenses . Inf antry Sc hool, Fo rt Benning, Ga. Instruction expenses . Tank Service . Civilian employees . Tan k schools .