Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/51

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S EVE NTY -FIR ST CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 15. 1929 .

7 CHAP. 15 . -An Act Ma king appro priations f or the payment of ce rtain

June 12, 1929 . judgmen ts rendered against the Government b y various United States courts . [H R . 3663 .] [Public, No. 7 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following App rop ria tio ns for sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- paying jud gments of wise appropriated, for the payment of the following judgments, namely : JU DGMENTS, UNr TEI) STATES COURTS

Unite d Stat es cou rts, For payment of the final judgments and decrees, including costs Payments of. of suits, which have been rendered under the provisions of the Act of Vol . 24, p. 505. Ma rch 3, 188 7, entitle d "An Act t o provide for the br inging of suits Vol . 36, p. 1137. against the Government of the United States," as amended by the Judicial Code, approved March 3, 1911, certified to the Seventy-first Congress in House Document Numbered 25, under the following Classification . departments and establishments, namely : Uni ted S tates Shipp ing Board, $17,836 .98 ; Navy Department, $9,433 .94 ; Treasury Depart- ment, $6,348 .15 ; War Department, $3,149 ; in all $36,768 .07 ; together Inert . with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest on the respective judgments at the rate of 4 per centum from the date thereof until the time this appropriation is made . j For payment of the judgments, including costs of suits, rendered spec alg°Acts .under against the Government by United States district courts in special ca ses and un der the pr ovisions of certain s pecial Act s and cert ified to the Seventy-first Congress in House Document Numbered 26, under the following departments and establishments, namely : United classification . States Shipping Board, $6,089 .54 ; Navy Department, $29,233 .03 ; War Department, $113,219 .85 ; in all, $148,542 .42, together with such Interest . ad ditional s um as may be necessar y to pay i nterest on certain o f the udgments as and where specified in such judgments .

Collision damages . For the payment of judgments, including costs of suits, rendered against the Government of the United States by United States dis- tr ict courts under the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act au thor- Vsc:p. z2.. i zing suits against t he United States in admiralty for damage caused by and salvage services rendered to public vessels belonging to the United States, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1925 (United S tates Code , page 1529 , sections 781-789), certified to the Seventy-first Congress in House Document Numbered 28, under the Classification . following departments, namely : Department of Commerce, $6,844 .73 ; Navy Department, $1,498 .32 ; in all, $8,343 .05, together with such Interest . additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest as and where specified in such judgments . None of the judgments contained under this caption shall be paid Right of appeal . until the right of appeal shall have expired, except such as have become final and conclusive against the United States by failure of the parties to appeal or otherwise .

Interest limits . Payment of interest wherever provided for judgments contained in this Act shall not in any case continue for more than thirty days after the date of approval of the Act . J UDGM ENTS , CO URT OF CL AIMS

Court of Claims . For payment of the judgments rendered by the Court of Claims Payment of

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and reported to the Seventy-first Congress in House Document Num- ments of b ered 27, u nder the f ollowi ng de partm ents and es tabli shmen ts, namely : United States Railroad Administration, $60,428 .39 ; Navy Classification . Department, $877,449 .65 ; War Department, $244 .784 .92 ; in all, $ 1,182,662 .9 6, togethe r with suc h addition al sum as may be nece ssary to pay interest on certain of the judgments at the legal rate per Interest . annum as and where specified in said judgments .