Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/513

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 349. 1930 . t he two y ears he may, by s imilar a pproval and cert ificatio n, be con - tinued for an additional term not exceeding two years, and so on F;nat separation ex • P rovi ded, howev er, That after August 20, 1930, no employee shall Copt in special cases - ol.44,p .905, amend. b e continued in the civil service of the Unied Sates beonthe age Post, p. 515. of retirement for more than four years, except that where the head of the department or establishment certifies, and the Civil Service Commission agrees, that by reason of expert knowledge and special qualifications the continuance of the employee would be advantag- eous to the public service, further extensions of two years may be granted . Action on applica- Whenever an employee shall make application for such continua- tion for retention . tion in the civil service, and shall submit acceptable proof of his present physical fitness to perform his work, it shall be the duty of the head of the department, branch, or independent office of the Government concerned to obtain from the immediate superior in the service of such applicant all efficiency ratings and other informa- ti on on fi le respec ting the charact er of th e work o f such ap plicant, and shall also obtain from such immediate superior his opinion in writing with respect to the efficiency of the work performed by such applicant . From such information shall be eliminated in- creases in ratings, credits, and other preferences for any cause what- so ever oth er than t he chara cter of work act ually pe rformed . S hould su ch infor mation sh ow that the appl icant ha s been e fficient and com- petent during the two years next preceding his application for con- Head of department, tinuance in the civil service, the head of the department, branch, etc., toe co rtify to Civil se rvico mmiss ion, if o r independent office of the Government concerned shall, as of course, retention advantageous to public service . certify to the United States Civil Service Commission that, by re ason of the effic iency an d willin gness of such ap plicant t o remain in the civil service of the United States, the continuance of such employee would be advantageous to the public service . Annuitants restricted No person separated from the service who is receiving an annuity employment in other positions .

under the provisions of section 1 of this Act, shall be employed again . Ante, p. 468.

in any position within the purview of this Act . Application of Act . EM PLOYEES TO WHOM THE ACT SHALL APPLY Vol. 44, p. 90 5, SEC. 3. This Ac t shall apply to the foll owing em ployees and grou ps amended .

of empl oyee s To classified civil

(a) All employees in the classified civil service of the United service employees, in- cluding additions by States, including all persons who have been heretofore or may here- Executive orders, etc . after be given a competitive status ~n the classified civil service, with post,p.473. or with out compe titiv e ex amina tion, by legis lativ e en actme nt, o r under civil service rules promulgated by the President, or by Execu- tive orders covering into the competitive classified service groups of employees with their positions or authorizing the appointment of individuals to positions within such service . Other specified em - ( b) Superintendents of United States national cemeteries, and Voyees '

suc h employ ees of th e office s of sol icitors of the se veral ex ecutive post, p . 515 . departments, of the Architect of the Capitol, of the Library of Congress, of the United States Botanic Garden, of the recorder of deeds and register of wills of the District of Columbia, of the United States Soldiers' Home, of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, of the State Department without the continental limits of the United States who are United States citizens and not within the Foreig n Service as defined in the Ac t of May 24, 1924, and amendments thereof, and of the Indian Service at large whose tenure of employment is not intermittent nor of uncertain duration . Cit ize n Panama em Canal. ployees of (c) All employees of the Panama Canal on the Isthmus of Pan- Post, p. 1480.

ama who are citizens of the United States and whose tenure of employment is not intermittent nor of uncertain duration .