Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/537

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SEVE NTY-F IRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 375. 1930 . prosecuting claims when claimant is already on the pension rolls under the Act of May 1, 1926, or any other prior pensions Acts Awe .

P rovid ed, fin

Th at no clai m ag ent, attor ney, or o ther pers on en gaged alpens'n c laimsrte- in preparing, presenting, or rosecuting any original pension claim under the pr ovisions of this Act shall, direct ly or indirectly, contract for, demand, receive, or retain for such services in preparing, pre- senting, or prosecuting such original pension claim, a sum in excess of $10, which sum shall be payable upon the order of the Commis- sioner of Pensions under such rules and regulations as he may deem For bidd en for in- proper to make; and no claim agent, attorney, or other person shall cre ase of p ension u nder co ntract f or, deman d, recei ve, or r etain a fee for services in pre- tins Act . paring, presenting, or prosecuting claims for increase of pension under the provisions of this Act; and any person who . shall, directly or indirectly, otherwise, contract for, demand, or retain a fee for Pnnighment for vi o- lations .

services in preparing, presenting, or prosecuting any claim under lations . this Act, or shall wrongfully withhold from the pensioner or claim- ant the whole or any part of the pension allowed or due to such pensioner or claimant under this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall, for each and every offense, be fined not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the co urt . former laws, etc ., n o t SEC . 8. That nothing contained in the provisions of this Act shall reduced .

be construed to diminish or reduce any pension heretofore granted 42,P834;Vool .44 .p Vol under the prior Acts of June 5, 1920; September 1, 1922; or May 1, 1926 . Modification of ex- SEC . 9 . That all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with or incon- istinglawsg sistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby modified and amended only so far and to the extent as herein specifically pro- vided and stated . Passage by the Senate . NI CHOL AS L ONGW ORTH , Speaker of the House of Representatives . CHARLES CmRTIS, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate . IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, Legislative Day, May 29,1930, Calendar Day, June 2,1930 . The Sena te havin g proceed ed, in p ursuance of the Constitut ion, to reconsider the bill (S . 476) entitled "An act granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers, sailors, and nurses of the war with Spain, the Philippine insurrection, or the China relief expedi- tion, and for other purposes," returned by the President of the United States, with his objections, to the Senate, in which it orig- inated, it was- Resolved, That the bill pass, two-thirds of the Senate agreeing to the same . A ttest EDWIN P. T HAYER, Secretary . IN THE HOUSE of REPRESENTATivEs OF THE UNITED STATES, June 2, 1930 . ofP of a The House of Representatives having proceeded to reconsider the bill (S . 476) entitled "An act granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers, sailors, and nurses of the war with Spa in, the Philippin e insurr ection, or the C hina reli ef exped ition, and for other purposes," returned by the President of the United