Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/607

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564 New tools and ma- chinery for shops . Transfers from naval supply fund . Proviso . Clerical, etc ., serv- ices, Bureau of Ordnance . Procuring, etc ., ord- nance and ordnance stores . Vehicles, etc . Schools at designated stations. Proviso . ' Chemical, etc ., serv- ic es. SEVE NTY- FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 463 . 1930 . iron, and other materials for the manufacture of cordage, anchors, cables, galleys, and chains ; specifications for purchase thereof shall be so prepared as shall give fair and free competition ; canvas for the manufacture of sails, awnings, hammocks, and other work ; interior appliances and tools for manufacturing purposes in navy yards and naval stations ; and for the purchase of all other articles of equipage at home and abroad ; and for the payment of labor in equipping ves- s els ther ewith an d manufac ture of such art icles in the sev eral navy yards ; naval signals and apparatus, other than electric, namely, sig- nals, lights, lanterns, running lights, and lamps and their appendages for general use on board ship for illuminating purposes ; and oil and candles used in connection therewith ; bunting and other material for making and repairing flags of all kinds ; for all permanent galley fittings and equipage ; rugs, carpets, curtains, and hangings on board na val vessels, $17,941,300, of which $750,000 shall be available exclu- sively for the procurement and installation of new tools and machin- ery for shops under the cognizance of the Bureaus of Construction and Repair and Engineering ; and, in addition, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed, upon the request of the Secretary o f the Na vy, to m ake trans fers dur ing the fiscal y ear 1931 from the naval supply account fund to this appropriation of sums not to exceed in the aggregate $1,000,000 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical, drafting, inspection, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, and offices of superintending naval constructors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, shall not exceed $1,750,000 . BUREAU OF ORDNANCE ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES, BUREAU OF ORDNANCE For procuring, produ cing, preserving, and handling ordnance material, for the armament of ships ; for fuel, material, and labor to be used in the general work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance ; for furniture at naval ammunition depots, torpedo stations, naval ordnance plants, and proving grounds ; for technical books ; plant appliances as now defined by the "Navy Classification of Accounts " ; for machinery and machine tools ; for experimental work in connection with the development of ordnance material for the Navy ; for maintenance of proving grounds, powder factory, torpedo stations, gun factory, ammunition depots, and naval ordnance plants, and for target practice ; not to exceed $15,000 for minor improvements to buildings, grounds, and appurtenances of a character which can be performed by regular station labor ; for pay- ment of part time or intermittent employment in the District of Columbia, or elsewhere of such scientists and technicists as may be contracted for by the ~'ecretary of the Navy in his discretion at a rate of pay not exceeding $20 per diem for any person so employed ; for th e maintenance, repair, and ope ration of horse-drawn and motor-propelled freight and passenger-carrying vehicles, to be used only for official purposes at naval ammunition depots, naval proving grounds, naval ordnance plants, and naval torpedo stations ; for the pay of chemists, clerical, drafting, inspection, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, naval ordnance plants, and naval amm unition depots, a nd for c are and operatio n of scho ols duri ng the fiscal year 1931 at ordnance stations at Indianhead, Maryland, Dahl- gren, Virginia, and South Charleston, West Virginia, $11,669,400 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for chemists, clerical, r1