Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/690

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SEVEN TY -FIR,ST CONGRESS . SESS. II . Cii. 497. 1930 .

647 that the wools or hair have been used in the manufacture of yarns

SCH)'.DULE 11. Wo ol which have been used in the manufacture of press cloth, camel's tllrcs cso • and ulannrac - r hair belting, rugs, carpets, or any other floor covering, or in the manufacture of knit or felt boots or heavy fulled lumbermen's socks, the duties shall be remitted or refunded : And provided further,

l for otherutthan That if any such wools or hair imported under bond as above pre- c- pets, etc . scribed are used in the manufacture of articles other than press cloth, camel's hair belting, rugs, carpets, or any other floor coverings, or knit or felt boots or heavy felled lumbermen's socks, there shall be levied , col lecte d, and paid on any such wools or hair so used in violatio n of the bond, i n additi on to th e regular duties provided by this paragraph, 50 cents per pound, which shall not be remitted or refunded on expo rtation of the a rticles or for an y other reason . (b) For the purposes of this schedule :

D c oist1Ons . (1) Wools and hair in the grease shall be considered such as ~~• t '"' grease . gr" •' are in t heir n atura l con dition as s horn from t he an imal, and not cleansed otherwise than by shaking, willowing, or burr- pick ing ; (2) washed wools and hair shall be considered such as have M'l'le' been washed, with water only, on the animal's back or on the skin, and all wool and hair, not scoured, with a higher clean yield than 77 per centum shall be co nside red as wash ed ; (3) scoured wools and hair shall be considered such as have

oure`i . been otherwise cleansed (not including shaking, willowing, burr-picking, or carbonizing) ; (4) sorted wools or hair, or matchings, shall be wools and sorted . ha ir (other than skirtings) wherein the identity of individual fleeces has been destroyed, except that skirted fleeces shall not be consi dered sorte d woo ls or hair, or m atchin gs, u nless the backs have been removed ; and ( .5) the Official Standar ds of th e United States f or grade s of de,fu


ndardsto wool as esta blished by the S ecretary of Agric ulture o n June 1 8, 1926, pursuant to law, shall be the standards for determining the grade of wools . PAR . 1102 . (a) Wools, not specially provided for, not finer than •there-ools . 44s, in the grease or washed, 29 cents per pound of clean content

scoured, 32 cents per pound of clean content ; on the skin, 27 cents per pound of cl ean content ; sorted, or matchings, if not scoured, 30 cents per pound of clean content : Prov ide d That a tolerance of I'm ""so . not more than 10 per centum of wools not finer th an 46s may be Tol era nce allowed in each bale or package of wools imported as not finer than 44s . (b) Wools, not specially provided fo r, and hai r of the Angora etc n gora goat , alp aca, goat, Cashmere goat, alpaca, and other like animals, in the grease or washed, 34 cents per pound of clean content

scoured, 37 cents per

pound of clean content ; on the skin, 32 cents per pound of clean content ; sorted, or matchings, if not scoured, 35 cents per pound of clean co ntent . PAR . 1103 . If any bal e or pa cka ge contains wools, hairs, w ool ca No' toot duty wastes, or wool waste material, subject to different rates of duty, the different wools . highest rate applicable to any part shall apply to the entire con- tents of such bale or package, except as provided in paragraphs 110 1 and 1102 . PAR. 1104. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized pre„te,i'ons to he and directed to prescribe methods and regulations for carrying out the provisions of this schedule relating to the duties on wool and hair . The Secret arv of the Treasury is further authorized and a,'," •r •trci i t stand- directed to procure from the Secretary' of Agriculture, and deposit in such custotul .ouses and other places in the United States or else- where as he may desig nate, sets of th e Off icial Stand ards of the