Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/717

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PAR. 1612 . Arrowroot, crude or manufactured, and arrowroot Arrowroot .

starch and flour . Sulphide of arsenic .

PAR. 1613 . Sulphide of arsenic . Arsenious acid .

PAR . 1614 . Arsenious acid or white arsenic . Domestic articles, re- PAR, 1 61 5 . Articles the growth, produce, or man ufacture of the turned by exporter . United States, when returned after having been exported, without h aving bee n advanced in value or improv ed in cond ition by any process of manufacture or other means if imported by or for the account of the person who exported them from the United States ; steel boxes, casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other containers or Cntainersfilledwith Coverings of American manufacture exported filled with American foreign products . products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign pr oducts, including shooks and staves when returned as barrels or boxes ; also quicksilver flasks or bottles, drums of iron, steel, or other metal of either domestic or foreign manufacture, used for the shipment of acids, or other chemicals, which shall have been identification . actually exported from the United States ; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made, under general regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the exemption of bags from duty shall apply only to such domestic bags as may be imported by the exporter thereof, and if any such articles are subject to internal-revenue tax at the time of exportation, such tax shall be proved to have been paid before exportation and not Photographic plates, refunded ; photographic dry plates and films of Ameri can manu- etc . facture (except moving-picture films to be used for commercial pur- poses) exposed abroad, whether developed or not, and photographic films light struck or otherwise damaged, or worn out, so as to be unsuitable for any other purpose than the recovery of the con- stituent materials, provided the basic films are of American manu- facture, but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made under general regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the aboa , cle du tia ble ai red Treasury ; articles exported from the United States for repairs may be returned upon payment of a duty upon the value of the repairs at the rate at which the article itself would be subject if imported, under conditions and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary na wback, etc . of the Treasury : Provided, That this paragraph shall not apply to any article upon which an allowance of drawback has been made, the reimportation of which is hereby prohibited except upon pay- ment of duties equal to the drawbacks allowed ; or to any article containers for goods manufactured in bonded warehouse and exported under any provi- not dutiable .

sion of law ; except that it shall apply to articles (not dutiable under section 504 as unusual coverings and containers) used as coverings Reimported mann- or containers for merchandise not subject to an ad valorem rate of factured tobacco . duty : Prov ided fur ther, That when manuf actur ed to bacco whic h has been exported without payment of internal-revenue tax shall be reimported it shall be retained in the custody of the collector of Dutiable animals ex- customs until internal-revenue stamps in payment of the legal duties cep ted .

shall be placed thereon : And provided further, That the provisions Ante, p.673.

of this paragraph shall not apply to animals made dutiable under the provisions of paragraph 1606 . Asbestos .

PAR . 1 61 6 . Asbestos, unmanufactured, asbestos crudes, fibers, stucco, and sand and refuse containing not more than 15 per centum waste bagging .

of foreign matter . Bananas .

PAR. 1617 . Waste bagging, and waste sugar sack cloth . PAR . 1618 . Bananas and plantains, green or ripe . Cinchona bark, etc.

PAR . 1619 . Barks, cinchona or other, from which quinine may be Bells, broken .

ex tracte d . PAR . 1620 . Bells, broken, and bell metal, broken and fit only to be remanufactured .