Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/758

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cs. 497. 1930 . chandise or baggage, or (2) the Secretary of the Treasury, because of an emergency existing at the port of destination, authorizes such vessel to proceed to another port of e ntry . Merchandise and baggage so unladen may be entered in the same manner as other imported merchandise or baggage and may be tr eat ed as unclaimed merchan- di se or baggage and stored at the ex pen se and ri sk of the own er thereof, or may be reladen without entry upon the vessel from which it was unladen for transportation to its destination . SEC. 450. UNLADING ON SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, OR AT NIGHT . No merchandise, baggage, or pas se nge rs arriving in the United States from any foreign port or place, and no bonded merchandise or baggage being transported fr om one port to another, shall be unladen from the carrying vessel or vehicle on Sunday, a holiday, or at night, except under special license granted by the collector under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe . SEC. 451. SAME-EXTRA COMPENSATION . Before any such special license to unlade shall be granted, the mas- ter, owner, or agent, of such vessel or vehicle shall be required to ve a bond in the penal sum to be fixed by the collector conditione to indemnify the United States for any loss or liability which might occur or be occasioned by reason of the granting of such special li ce nse and to pay the compensation and expenses of the cu sto ms officers and employees assigned to d uty in connection wi th su ch unlading at night or on Sunday or a holiday, in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the lading or unlading of vessels at night, the preliminary entry of vessels, and for other purposes," approved February 13, 1911, as amended . In lieu of such bond the owner, or agent, of any vessel or vehicle or line of vessels or vehicles may execute a bond in a penal sum to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury to cover and include the issuance of special licenses for the unlading of vessels or vehicles belonging to such line for a period of one year from the date thereof . At the request of the master, owner, or agent of any vessel, the col- lector shall assign customs officers and employees to duty at night or on Sunday or a holiday in connection with the entering or clearing of such vessel, or the issuing and recording of its marine documents, bills of sale, mortgages, or other instruments of title, but only if the master, owner, or agent gives a bond in a penal sum to be xed by the collector, conditioned to pay the compensation and expenses of such customs office rs and employe es, who shall be ent itled t o rates of compensation fix ed on the sa me ba sis and pa ya ble in the sa me manner and upon the s ame terms and conditions as in the ca se of customs officers and employees assigned to duty in connection with lading or unlading at night or on Sunday or a holiday . SEC. 452. LADING ON SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, OR AT NIGHT. No merchandise or baggage entered for transportation under bond or for exportation with the benefit of drawback, or other merchan- dise or baggage required to be laden under customs supervision, shall be laden on any vessel or vehicle at night or on Sunday or a holiday, except under special license therefor to be issued by the collector under the same conditions and limitations as pertain to the unlading of imported merchandise or merchandise being transported in bond . 715 ADMINISTR ATIVE PRO - VISIONS . On emergency. Entry, etc . Sun day s, holidays, or at night. Special li cense to p er- mit uniading on . Bo nd against loss, ate., required. Compensation, etc ., to customs officers on duty . Vol. 39, p. 901 ; Vol. 41 p. 402. V. 8. C., p. 585. Yearly bond from regular lines, accepted. As signments a t re- quest of master, etc., by giving bo nd for service ex penses . La ding on Sun days, etc . Sp ecial licen se re- quired for . I