Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/883

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840 Original appoint- ments . Probationary period. Salaries of fire depart- ment of. Vol. 43, p. 175. Post, p . 1024 . Officers. Privates. Annual increases, maximum. Origin al appoint- ments . Probati onary period . Computation of pay of pr ivates. Proviso. Automatic increases. No increase if service unsatisfactory . Removal for ineffi- ciency . Provisos. Additional compen- sation for outstanding e fficie ncy . Withdrawal . Policemen and fire- m en's r elief fund . Monthly deductions in sa laries credited to . Vol.43,p. 560. Refund if separated from service. Redo

if reap- pointed pos it SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. C$. 783. 1930 . for five years, or until a maximum salary of $2,400 is reached . All original appointments of privates shall be made at the basic salary of $1,900 per year, a nd the firs t year of se rvice shall be probati onary . SEC . 2 . That the annual basic salaries of the officers and members of the fire department of the District of Columbia shall be as follows Chief engineer, $8,000 ; deputy chief engineers, $5,000 each ; battalion c hief engine ers, $4,500 each ; fi re m ars hal, $5, 000 ; deput y fire mars hal, $3,000 ; inspectors, $2,460 each ; captains, $3,000 each ; lieutenants, $2 ,840 each ; se rgean ts, $2 ,600 each ; sup erin ten dent of mac hine ry, $5,000 ; assistant superintendent of machinery, $3,000 ; pilots, $2,600 each ; marine engineers, $2,600 each ; assistant marine engineers, $2,460 each ; marine firemen, $2,100 each ; privates, a basic salary of $1,900 per year, with an annual increase of $100 in salary for five years, or until a maximum salary of $2,400 is reached . All original appoint- ments of privates shall be made at the basic salary of $1,900 per year, a nd the firs t year of s ervice shal l be probat ionary . SEC . 3 . That privates of the Metropolitan police force and of the fire department shall be entitled to the following salaries : Privates who have served less than one year, at the rate of $1,900 per annum ; privates who have served more than one year and less than two years, at the rate of $2,000 per annum ; privates who have served more than two years and less than three years, at the rate of $2,100 per annum ; pr ivates who have served more than three years and less than four years, at the rate of $2,200 per annum ; privates who have served more than four years and less than five years, at the rate of $2,300 per annum ; privates who have served more than five years, at the rate of $2,400 per annum : Provided, That privates in class three on the effective date of this Act who have served less than six years shall be entitled to an annual salary of $2,200 ; privates who have served six years and less than seven years shall be entitled to an annual salary o f $2, 300 ; and privates who have served seven years or more shall b e entitled to an annua l salary of $2,400 . SEC . 4 . That no annual increase in salary shall be paid to any person who, in the judgment of the Commissioners of the District of Colum bia, h as no t ren dered satis facto ry ser vice, and a ny pr ivate who fails to receive such annual increase for two successive years shall be deemed inefficient and forthwith removed from the service by the comm iss ione rs : Pr o v id e d, That unde r such rules and regulations as the com miss ion ers sha ll p rom ulga te, the Maj or and Sup erin ten dent of Police and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department shall select and report to the commissioners from time to time the names of pr ivates and sergeants in each department who by reason of demon- strated ability may be considered as possessed of outstanding effi- ciency, and the commissioners are authorized and directed to grant to not exceeding 10 per centum of the authorized strength, respec- tivel y, of such priva tes an d ser geant s in e ach d epartm ent a dditi onal compensation at the rate of $5 per month : Provided further, That the commissioners may withdraw such compensation at any time and remove any name or names from among such selections . SEc . 5. That, commencing with the effective date of this Act, there shall be deducted for the benefit of the policemen and firemen's relief fund 31/ 2 per centum of the monthly pay of each member of the Metropolitan police force, the fire department, the United States park police, and the White House police force . That hereafter, upon the separation from the service of any such member, except for retirement as authorized by existing law, he shall be refunded th e deductions made from his salary for said fund, and should any such member subsequently be reappointed to any of such police forces or the fire department he shall be required to redeposit to the credit of the policemen and firemen's fund the amount of deductions