Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/891

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cue. 803, 804 . 1930 . of pension, which fee shall be payable only on the order of the .Com- Additio nal unlawful . missioner of Pensions ; and any person who shall, directly or indi- rectly, otherwise contract for, demand, receive, or retain a fee for services in preparing, presenting, or prosecuting any claim under this Act, or shall wrongfully withhold from the pensioner or claimant the whole or any part of the pension allowed or due such pensioner or claimant under this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, Punishment for. and upon conviction thereof shall for each and every offense be fined not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court . Approved, July 2, 1930 . auty 2, 1930. CHAP. 804 .- An Act Granting certain land to the city of Dunkirk Chau- [Public,

[H. R. No. 498 . 1 tauqua County, New York, for street purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of Dunkirk, N. Y.

the United States o f Am erica in Con gress assembl ed, That the Conveyance . of lava to

Secretary of Comme rce is aut horized a nd directe d to conve y by , for s treet mp rove-


y y ment, authorized .

quit-claim deed to the city of Dunkirk, Chautauqua County, New Description . York, the followin g describe d land fo r the purp ose of ope ning a street in such city : A piece of land extending from water line to water line across Point Gratiot, Dunkirk, New York, said piece of land being a strip thirty-three feet wide along the southerly boundary line of the United States lighthouse property which was a cquired b y the Unit ed States by deed o f purchase from Eli sha Jenkins, dated October 9, 1826, and shown on a "Map of Light- house Reservation, Point Gratiot Dunkirk, New York, dated April 22, 1930, signed by W . H . She'ton, city engineer, Dunkirk, New York," said strip of land being bounded as follows Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Light Street with the southerly boundary line of the United States lighthouse property, said intersection being marked by a concrete monument with a brass pin, and distant approximately one thousand seven hu ndred and five-tenths feet northerly along the westerly line of Light Street from a like concrete monument at the intersection therewith of the nort herly side of Oak Street ; t hence west erly a t an angle of ninety degrees thirty-seven minutes with the westerly line of Light Street along the present southerly boundary line of the United States lighthouse property, now marked by a fence and shrubs, a distance of seven hundred and six and six-tenths feet to a concrete monument with a brass pin ; thence in the same direction to the water line on the west side of Point Gratiot ; thence northerly following the water line to the intersection therewith of a line parallel to and thirty-three feet northerly from the present southerly boundary of the Unite d States lighthouse property ; thence easterly along said parallel line passing through two similar concrete monu- ments, seven hundred and six and six-tenths feet apart, to the water line on the east side of Point Gratiot ; thence southerly along said water line to the intersection therewith of the easterly extension of t he pre sent southe rly b ounda ry lin e of the U nited State s ligh thous e property ; thence westerly along said southerly boundary to the concrete monument at the point or place of beginning ; the area or content inclosed by the foregoing metes and bounds being sixty- three hundredths of one acre . Re vers ion for no n- SEC. 2 . In th e event that the land herein granted, or any part Mr. thereof, shall cease to be used exclusively for street purposes or shall be sold by the grantee herein, title thereto shall thereupon revert to the United States . Approved, July 2,, 1930 .