Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/973

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SE VENTY -FIRS T CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ci3. 847. '1930. fir st Congre ss, seco nd sessio n, and s ubject to the con ditions s et forth in said document . Black River, Mich . Black River, Michigan, in accordanc e with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 162, Seventy-first Congress, second session . Great Lakes

nels' ehan- Great Lakes connecting channels : The existing projects are hereby IIeExisting projects mo difie d so as to prov ide a chan nel s uitab le fo r ves sels of 24 -foot modified . draft when the ruling lake is at its datum plane, and including the construction of compensation works, as set forth in paragraphs 30 31, 48, 67, 69, 70, 71, 76, and 77 of the report of the special board of en gine ers dat ed Febr uar y 14, 1928, and submitted in House Docu- Amount authorized . ment Numbered 253, Seventieth Congress, first session . The amount her eby a uthor ized to be expe nded upon said chann els i s $29 ,266, 000 . Monroe, Mich. Monroe Harbor, M ichigan, in accordance with the r eport sub- mitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 22, Seventy-first Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions No expense, etc. set forth in said document : Provided, That no exp ense shall be incurred by the United States for the acquiring of any lands required for the purpose of this improvement . The Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers are hereby authorized to maintain Channel depth . to a depth of eighteen feet and a bottom width of eighty feet the existing channel in Lake Erie at Monroe Harbor, Mi chigan, and up Raisin River, Michigan, to the vicinity of the existing docks of the Newton Steel Company . Lorain, Ohio . Lorain Harbor, Ohio, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 58 7, Sixty-ninth Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document : Proviso .

Pro vid ed, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States No Federal expense, etc .

for the acquiring of any lands required for the purpose of this impr ovemen t . Fairport, Ohio .

Fairport Harbor, Ohio : The paragraph in section 1 of the River Plans for improving harbor modified .

and Harbor Act approved January 21, 1927, rela ting to Fa irpor t amended .4, p. 1014, Harbor, Ohio, is hereby amended to read as follows : " Fairport Harbor , Ohio : The extension of the east breakwater recommended in the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Comm ittee Document Numbered 13, Seven tieth Cong ress, firs t ses sion is he reby autho r- Proviso .

ized at a limit of cost to the United States of k15,000 : Provided, Dredging by local in- terests .

That local interests shall dredge at their own expense the channel of approach to their terminal ." Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Harbor, New York, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 1, Seventy-first Congress, first session, Niagara River, N . Y . Niagara River, New York, in accordance with the report sub- mitte d in House Docume nt Num bered 28 9, Seventy-first Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document . Great sodas Bay, Great Sodus Bay Harbor , New York, in ac cordan ce wit h the N. Y. report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Num- bered 1 7, Seven tieth Con gress, f irst sess ion, and subject to the c ondi . tions set forth in said document . Oswego, N. Y . Oswego Ha rbor, New Y ork, in ac cordance wi th the repo rt sub- mitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 24, Seventy-first Congress, second session, and subject to the condition set forth in said document . Saint Lawrence Riv- Saint Lawrence River between Ogdensburg, New York, and Lake er Ogdensburg, N . Y ., Ontario, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- to Lake Ontario .

ment Numbered 316, Seventieth Congress, first session, except that the depth to be obtained shall be twenty-seven feet .