Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/976

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . Suss . II. CH. 847 . 1930 .

933 second session, and subj ect to the conditions set forth in said document . Qui llay ute Riv er, Wash ingt on, in acco rdan ce w ith the rep ort sub - uillayute River, mitted in House Document Numbered 125, Seventy-first Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document Provided, Tha t no expense shall be incu rred by the United States proviso . for the acquiring of any lands required for the purpose of this et No F edera l exp ense, improvement . Everett Harbor, Wash ington, in ac cordance with the report sub- Everett, wash . mitted in House Document Numbered 377, Seventy-first Congress, second session . Lake River, Washington, in accordance with House Committee Lake River, Wash . Document Numbered 2, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session, as modi- fied by the report of the War Department dated May 10, 1930, pursu- ant to th e Commerce Co mmittee reso lution of Feb ruary 22, 1930 .

Pert Alexander, Port Alexander, Alaska, in accordance with the report submitted Alaska . in House Document Numbered 106, Seventieth Congress, first session . Ketchikan Harbor, Alaska, in accordance with the report su b- Ketc hikan , Ala ska . mitted in House Document Numbered 113, Seventieth Congress, first session . Harbor of Refuge, Seward, Alaska, in accordance with the report Seward, Alaska . Harbor of Refuge . submitted in House Document Numbered 10 9, Se vent iet h Co ngre ss, fir st sess ion . Honolulu Harbor, Hawaii, in accordance with the report submitted Honolulu, Hawaii . in House Document Numbered 753, Sixty-ninth Congress, second Proviso . session : Provided, That no limit of time shall be set within which t ime lim itati on of the work hereby adopted shall be completed .

San Juan, P. R. The existing project for the improvement of San Juan Harbor, . Exi sting pro ject mod - Porto Rico, is hereby modified in accordance with the report of the Wed . Chief of Engineers submitted April 9, 1930, so as to fix the total Contribution by peo- amount of cash cooperation required from the people of Porto Rico plc of Port• Rico . at $150,000, which amount shall become payable five years from the date of the approval of this Act : Provided, That the foregoing Pr•`"3• ,

Condaiou . modification of the project stated shall be conditional upon the communication by the Government of Porto Rico to the Secretary of War, within one year immediately following the date of approval of this Act, of the acceptance by the Government of Porto Rico of the arran gement herein before outli ned . PRE LIMIN ARY EXAMI NATI ONS AND S URVEY S Prel iminary exami- nations and surveys . S Ec . 2 . The Secretary o f War is here by authorized and directed Projects authorized . to cause preliminary examinations and surveys to be made at the following-named localities, the cost thereof to be paid from appro- priations heretofore or hereafter made for such purposes : Provided, Specificautborityre- That no preliminary examination, survey, project, or estimate for qulma new works other than those designated in this or some prior Act or joint resolution shall be made : Provided further, That a fter the No sub sequent re - regular or formal reports made as required by law on any examina- port to be made . tion, survey, project, or work under way or proposed are submitted no supplemental or additional report or estimate sh all be made unl ess aut hori zed by law : And provided further, That the Govern- No project to begin untiladopted bylaw . ment shall not be deemed to have entered upon any project for the improvement of any waterway or harbor mentioned in this Act until the project for the proposed work shall have been adopted by law Portland Harbor, Maine, along the waterfront of South Portland . Maine. Boothbay Harbor, Maine . Ogu nquit Harbor and Pe rkins Cove, Maine . Union River, Maine,