Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/988

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cu. 847. 1930 .

945 Shilshole Breakwater, Shilshole Bay, Seattle, Washington .

Washington-Con- Columbia River betwen the moutf the Willamette River and t innea d a point one mile above the city of Vancouver, Washington . East waterway, Seattle Harbor, Washington . Tacoma Harbor, Washington, including the several waterways at the head of Commencement Bay . Grays Harbor, Washington . Snake River, Idaho, from Pittsburg Landing to Johnsons Bar . Idaho . Egegik River, Alaska . Alaska . Kake Harbor, Alaska . Stikine River, Alaska . Petersburg Harbor, Alaska . Kehku Straits, Ala ska . Ko diak H arbor, Alask a . Tanana River, Alaska, at or near its confluence with the Yukon River . Wr angell Harbo r, Ala ska . Craig Harbor, Alaska . Isthmus south of Wedge Cape, Nagai Island, Alaska, with a view to dredging a channel from Northeast Bight, East Nagai Strait to Sanborn Harbor, West Nagai Strait . Kalihi Harbor and Keehi Lagoon, Island of Oahu, Hawaii, with Hawaii . a view to providing a second entrance into Honolulu Harbor, and Pearl Harbor f rom the Kalih i area . The coast of the island of Hawaii, with particular reference to Honuapo, Kailua, Kawaa, and Punaluu, with a view to the estab- lishment of one or more safe and adequate harbors . Hana Harbor, island of Maui, Hawaii . Lahaina Harbor, island of Maui, Hawaii . Kaunakakai Harbor, island of Molokai, Hawaii . Kaumalapau Harbor, island of Lanai, Hawaii . Honolulu Harbor, Hawaii . Hilo Harbor, Hawaii . Port Allen, Kauai, Hawaii . The Chief of Engineers of the United States Army, under the shore erosions, etc . War,

Cooperative studies direction of the Secretary of V ar, is authorized and directed to for preventing, author- cause investigations and studies to be made in cooperation with the ized . appropriate agencies of various States on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts and on the Great Lakes, and the Territories, with a view to devising effective means of preventing erosion of the shores of coastal and lake waters by waves and currents ; and any expenses Funds available . incident and necessary thereto may be paid from funds appropriated for examinations, Surveys and Contingencies for Rivers and Har- bors : Provided, That the War Department mmay release to the a ro- Proaiso. . 7



Advance information priate State agencies information obtained by these investigations to state agencies . and studies prior to the formal transmission of reports to Congress

Contributio n, etc ., Provided further, That no money shall be expended unde r authority by state required . of this section in any State which does not provide for cooperation with the agents of the United States and contribute to the project such funds and/or services as the Secretary of War may deem appro- Rivers and Harbors priate and require ; that there shall be organized under the Chief of board organized . Engineers, United States Army, by detail from time to time from Com po sit ion and the Corps of Engineers and from the engineers of State agencies dut ies . charged with beach erosion and shore protection, a board of seven members, of whom four sha ll be officer s of the Corps of Engineers and t hree sh all be select ed with regar d to th eir spe cial f itness by the Chief of Engineers from among the State agencies cooperating with the War Department . The board will furnish such technical assist- ance as may be directed by the Chief of Engineers in the conduct of 5 7894 '-31 -60