Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1043

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 604-606 . JUNE 18, 1934 .

1017 [CHAPTER 604 .1 AN ACT June 18, 1934 . Providing for the ratific ation of Joi nt Resolution Numbered 59 of the Legi slature [ H .R .9 946 . 1 of Puerto Rico, approved by the Governor May 5, 1930, imposing an import [Public, No .411.1 duty on coffee imported into Puerto Rico . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the taxes and duties imposed by Joint Resolution Numbe red 59, enacted by the Legislature of Puerto Rico and approved by the Governor of Puerto Rico May 5, 1930, are legal ized and ratified, and the collectio n of all such taxes and duties made under or by authority of such Joint Resolution of the Puerto Rican Legislature is legalized, ratified, and confirmed as fully to all intents and purposes as if the same had, by prior A ct of Congre ss, be en spe cifica lly aut horize d and direct ed . Approved, June 18, 1934, 4 p .m . [CHAPTER 605 .1 JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing t he Secretary of War to r eceive for in struction at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Eloy Alfaro and Jaime Eduardo Alfaro, citizens of Ecuador . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to permit Eloy Alfaro and Jaime Eduardo Alfaro, citizens of Ecuador, to receive instruction at the United States Military Academy at West Point : Pr ovid ed, That no expense shall be caused to the United States thereby, and that said Eloy Alfaro and Jaime Eduardo Alfaro shall each agree to comp ly wit h all regula tions for th e polic e and discip line o f the Academy, to be studious, and to give his utmost efforts to accom- plish the courses in the various departments of instruction, and that neither shall be admitted to the Academy until he shall have passed the mental and physical examinations pre scribed for candidates from the U nited Sta tes, and t hat each shall be i mmed iatel y wit h- drawn if deficient in studies or in conduct and so recommended by the acad emic boa rd : Prov ided fur ther , That in the cases of said Eloy Alfaro and Jaime Eduardo Alfaro the provisions of sections 1320 an d 1321 of th e Revi sed St atutes shall be sus pended . Approved, June 18, 1934 . [CHAPTER 606 .1 JOI NT RESOLUTION To amend section 72 of the Printing Act, approved January 12 , 1895, and Acts amendatory the reof and supplementa ry thereto, relative to the allotment of public documents, and section 85 of the same Act fixing the date of the expira- tion of the franking privilege to Members of Congress . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f Ameri ca in Co ngress a ssembled , That se ction 72 of chapte r 23 of the Printing Act (U .S .C., title 44, sec . 158), approved January 12, 1895 2 and Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, be, and is he reby, amende d to r ead as follow s Cc SEC . 72. ALLOTMENT OF DOCUMENTS . The Congressional allot- ment of public documents (except the Congressional Record) printed after the e xpirat ion of the t erm of o ff ice of the Vice Presi- dent of the United States, or any Senator, Representative, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, shall be delivered to his or her successor in office . Puert o Ri co. Legislative

resol u- tion, imp osing imp ort duty on coffee, ratified . Vol. 46, p. 890. June 18,193C [S .J .Res., 108.] [Pub . Res., No.35.] U .S . Military Acad- emy, West Point . Eloy and Jaime Edu- ardo Alfaro permitted to receive instruction . Proviso . Compliance with reg- ulations. R .S ., sees. 1320,1321, waived . June 18, 1934 . [S .J . Res ., 130.1 [Pub .Res ., No.38.] Printing Act of 1895 . Vol . 28, p. 812 ; U.S.C., p. 1425. Congressional allot- ment of documents .