Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1073

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73d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 648. JUNE 19, 1934 . In all, $1,415,154 .82, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest on certain of the judgments, including number M-183 in favor of the Federal Real Estate and Storage Com pa ny and Hugh J . Phillips, Senate Document Numbered 212, at the legal rate per annum as and where specified in such judgments . None of the judgments contained under this caption which have not been affirmed by the Supreme Court or otherwise become final and conclusive against the United States shall be paid until the expiration of the time within which application may be made for a writ of c ertiorari under su bdivision (b) sect ion 3, of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Judicial Code, and to further define the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of appeals and of the Supreme Court, and for other purposes ", approved February 13, 1925 (U .S .C ., title 28, sec . 288) . AUDITED CLAIMS SE C. 5 . (a ) For the pa yment of the follo wing cl aims, certif ied to be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (U.S .C ., title 31, se c . 713 ), and under appro priati ons he retofor e trea ted as perma nent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1931 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884 (U .S .C ., title 5, sec. 266), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 323, Seventy-third Congre ss, th ere is appro priate d as f ollows . L EGISLA TIVE ESTABLISHMENT For salaries, officers and employees, House of Representatives, $7 .20. INDEPENDENT Or'r CES For operations under Mineral Act of October 5, 1918, $504,222 .25 . For Interstate Commerce Commission, $143 .67 . For traveling expenses, Civil Service Commission, $2 .35. For operation of projects, United States Housing Corporation, $38 .75 . For salaries and expenses, vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry, $4 . For Government contribution to American National Red Cross Building, $2,978 .98. For medical and hospital services, Veterans' Bureau, $17,115 .51. For m ilita ry an d na val c ompen sati on, V etera ns' A dmin istra tion, $1,858 .57 . For mil itary and na val in suranc e, Vet erans' Bureau , $612 .7 2 . For sal aries and ex penses , Vete rans' Bureau, $174 .4 1 . For voc ationa l reha bilita tion, Vetera ns' Bur eau, $ 123 . For Army pensions, $297 .27 . For Navy pensions, $12 .50. For fees of examining surgeons, pensions, $5 . For investigation of pension cases, Bureau of Pensions, $13 .20 . For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Southern Branch, $141 .80. Interest. Federal Real Estate and Storage Company . Time of payment. Vol. 43, p. 939. U .S.C., p. 900. Audited claims. Payment of. Vol. 18, p. 110. U.S.C., p. 1022. 1047 Legislative Estab . lishment . Independent offices . D EPA RTM ENT OF AGR ICU LTU RE

Department of Agri- culture . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, $838 .67 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Dairy Industry, $1 .75 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, $52 .97 . For salaries and expenses, Forest Service, $44 .65 .