Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/141

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73d CONGRES S . SESS. I. CH. 49. JU NE 6, 1933 .

115 appropriations made by local subdivisions, for the purpose of main- taining public employment offices as a part of a State-controlled system of public employment offices ; except that the amounts so appropriated by the State shall not be less than 25 per centum of the apportionment according to population made by the director for biinimnm . such State for the current year, and in no event less than $5,000 . The balance of the amounts appropriated under this Act shall be Administration, etc, available for all the purposes of this Act other than for apportion- expenses . ment among the several States as herein provided . (b) The amounts apportioned to any State for any fiscal year A . pportionments shall be available for payment to and expenditure b such State available through sue- sh all

, seedi ng seal s ear, for the purposes of this Act, until the close of the next succeeding exception . f isc al yea r ; except that amounts appor tioned to any State for any fiscal year preceding the fiscal year during which is commenced the first regular session of the legislature of such State held after the enactment of this Act shall remain available for payment to and expenditure by such State until the close of the fiscal year next Re appo rtion ment of succeeding that in which such session is commenced . Subject to the unexpended balances . foregoing limitations, any amount so apportioned unexpended at the end of the period during which it is available for expenditure under this Act shall, within sixty days thereafter, be reapportioned for the current fiscal year among all the States in the same manner and on the same basis, and certified to the Secretary of the Treasury and treasurers of the States in the same manner, as if it were being apportioned under this Act for the first time . SEC. 6. Within sixty days after any appropriation has been made cert ification of under authority of this Act the director shall make the apportion- ap port ionme nts" ment thereof as provided in section 5 and shall certify to the Secre- tary of the Treasury and to the treasurers of the several States the amount apportioned to each State for the fiscal year for which the appropriation has been made . SEC. 7. Within sixty days after any appropriation has been made Di recto r to asce rtai n under the authority of this Act, and as often thereafter while such States . t aken by appropriation remains available as he deems advisable, the director shall ascertain as to each of the several States (1) whether the State has, through its legislature or its governor, as the case may be acc epted the pro visions of th is Act and des ignated or au thorized the creation of an agency to cooperate with the United States Employment Service in the administration of this Act in compliance with the provisions of section 4 of this Act ;; and (2) the amounts, Funds made avail. if any, which ha ve been appro priated or oth erwise made a vailable able by States, etc . by such State and by any agency thereof, including appropriations mad e by local su bdivisions, i n compliance w ith the provi sions of section 5 of this Act . If the director finds that a State has complied Dueetor to certify to T,

on with the requirements of such sections, and if plans have been ante by States . compli- s ubmi tted and app rove d in com plia nce with the pro visi ons of s ecti on 8 of this Act, the director shall determine the amount of the pay- ments, if any, to which the State is entitled under the provisions of section 5, and certify such amount to the Secretary of the Treasury . fice tW~ae to be sut- Such certificate shall be sufficient authority to the Secretary of the Treasury to ma ke payments t o the State i n accordance t herewith . SEC . 8 . Any State desiring to receive the benefits of this Act shall, tail fort o

- by the agency designated to cooperate wi th the United States Em- sions effective . ployment Service, submit to the director detailed plans for carrying out the provisions of this Act within such State . In those States State providing w oos - whe re oca - where a State board, department, or agency exists which is charged tional rehabilitatio with the adm inis trat ion of S tate law s fo r vo cati onal reh abil itat ion of physically handicapped persons, such plans shall include provi- sion for cooperation between such board, department, or agency and