Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1412

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INDEX. xcv Post Office Inspectors. See Postal Serv- Page. President of the United States-Contd. Pare. icc. Post Offices, determination of class of offices having city or village letter- carrier sc- :vices_ ___________________ 255 Potomac River: Adjustment of conflicting land claims along shores of, authorized _______ 836 Construction of bridg'l aut h 0 r i zed across, at Shepherdstown, W. Va __ 652 Potomac School, D.C ., sale of property authorized _______________________ 574 Pou, Edward W., payment to widow oL_ 1022 Powell Junior High School, D.C ., appro- priation fOL_____________________ 860 Power Commission. See Federal }lower Commission. Pratt, William V., acceptance of foreign de("ora tion _______________________ ! 267 Preferred Stock, National Banks. See Banking Act of 1933; Bank Conser- vation Act. President of the United States: Appropriation for compensation of __ 284, 509 Protection of ___________________ 433,537 Agricultural Adjustment Act, author- ity to make applicable to certain territories and possessions_______ 675 Agriculture, Under Secretary of, to be appoint(!d by___________________ 467 Archivist to be appointed hy _________ 1122 Arms and munitions of war, authority to prohibit sale of, to countries engaged in war in Chaco_ ________ 811 Assistant Solicitor General, appoint- ment by _______________________ 307 Aviation program, appropriation avail- able for expenditure in discretion of_ 627 Bank Conservation Act, powers not im- paired hy ______________________ 5 Banking transactions, suspension of, during emergency declared by proclamation___________________ 2 Canadian Government, return to, of mace of Parliament of upper Canada________________________ 978 Civilian Conservation Corps, authority to establish_ ___________ _________ 22 Civil Works Administration employ- ees, death and disability schedules to be established under rules d ___ 351 Civil-works program, expenditure of appropriation authorized for ______ 351 Commencement of term of office_ ____ 879 Commission on aviation policy, ap- paintment- ____________________ 938 Communications Act of 1934, war emergency powers oL ________ ___ 1104 Contracts for transportation, modifica- tion, etc., of; compensation_ _____ 305 Conversion factors for commoditics, regulations by Secretary of Agri- culture to issue for, upon approval by____________________________ 37 Cooperative Bank Commissioner, . p- pointmenL_____________________ 273 Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Act, 1933, to proclaim effective date___________________________ 95 Cost of living index figure, announce- lllent by Executive order. ____ _ _ _ _ 13 Cotton Industry Act, extension of period of applicability ___________ 599 Crop production loans, maximum in- dividual loan increased by, in dis- tres!5cd emergency areas _ _ _ _ _____ 354 Currency circulating notes, proclama- tion to determine authority to iSl'ue _ _ ________________________ 6 District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act, authority ullder.__ ___ ___ ___ 930 Distrkt of Columhia--Virginia bound- ary line commission, appointment_ 453 El('ction of- Certificates of eled()rs, failure to reach President of Senate or Hecretary of State; demand on Secretary of State for certificate_ 879 Demand on district judge _______ - 879 Counting electoral votes in C'ongress_ 879 Meeting and ,'otes of electors _ _ _ ___ 879 Emergency Agricultural Relief Act- Regulations of Secretary of Agricul- ture to be approved by _______ - 37 State Administrators to be appointed by__________________________ 273 Termination of authority when em- ergency declared ended________ 39 Emergency Appropriation Aet, 1935, allocation of sums by ___________ - 1055 Emergency Banking Act of Ma.rch 9, 1933, orders, etc., issued under authority of, approved_ _ _ _______ 343 Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 1933- Federal Coordinator of Transporta- tion, appointment by __________ 211 May be designated from member- ship of Interstate Commerce Commission__ ___________ ___ 211 Proclamation extending emergency powers under_________________ 217 Executive department services, ete., charges may be increased by; ter- mination of authority ___________ 305 Executive Orders. See Executive Orders. Farm Credit Administration, appoint- mt'nt of commissioners_ __________ 273