Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/311

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 101 . JUN E 16, 1933 .

285 section 355 of the Revised Statutes (U.S.C., title 34, sec. 520 ; title us:c pp az;13~uz . 40, sec . 255) ; the maintenance of memorials erected by the Commis- sion until the Secretary of War is advised of their completion and assumes their maintenance ; employment of personal services in the services in the Dis- trict . District of Columbia and elsewhere ; traveling expenses ; the estab- Travel expenses . lishment of offices and the rent of office space in foreign countries ; abroTaad expense s the ma intena nce, r epair, and o perati on of m otor-p ropell ed pas senger - carrying vehicles which may be furnished to the Commission by other departments of the Government or acquired by purchase


in grfnting and bind . binding, engraving, lithographing, photographing, and typewriting, incl uding the publi cati on of info rmat ion c oncer ning the Ameri can activities, battlefields, memorials, and cemeteries in Europe


purchase of maps, textbooks, newspapers, and periodicals, $129,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended Prov ided, Tha t not with stand ing t he r equir ement s of exis ting laws Proeisos. Technical wo rk or regulations and under such terms and conditions as the Commis- abroad . lion ma y in i ts dis cretio n deem neces sary an d prop er, th e Comm ission may contract for work in Europe, and engage, by contract or other- wise, the services of architects, firms of architects, and other technical and professional personnel : Provided further, That the Commission 111 mor p urcha ses, etc, without advertising, may purchase materials and supplies without regard to section 3709 R.s.,see. 3709, p.733 of the Revised Statutes (U .S .C ., title 41, sec. 5) when the aggregate U .S-c ., p.1309. amount involved does not exceed $500 : Provided further, That when Traveling expenses, traveli ng on busine ss of the Co mmissi on offi cers o f the Army s erving etc., of Army off ice rs as members or as secretary of the Commis sion may be reimbursed for expenses as provided for civilian members of the Commission . ARLIN GTON MEMORI AL BR IDGE COMMIS SION For continuing the construction of the Arlington Memorial Bridge across the Potomac River at Washington, authorized in an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the cons truction of a memorial bridge across the Potomac River from a point near the Lincoln Memorial in the city of Washington to an appropriate point in the State of Virginia, and for other purposes ", approved February 24, 1925 (43 Stat ., p . 974), to be expended in accordance with the provi- sions and conditions of the said Act, $198,000, of which $25,000 shall be available for widening and resurfacing the present road from the memorial entrance of the cemetery to the southeast corner of the cemetery, conditioned upon the State of Virginia completing the constru ction of the Lee B ouleva rd lin k of th e Virg inia S tate h ighway system to the same point ; and not exceeding $20,000 shall be available for cleri cal and a ccounting service, includin g all nec essary in cidental and contingent expenses, printing and binding, and traveling expenses, to remain available until expended : Provided, That the Commission may procure supplies and serv ices without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U .S .C., title 41, sec . 5) when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $50 : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay for the cost of reconstructing and paving Constitution Avenue east of Virginia Avenue, as provided in the approved project, except for such portions as may abut upon Government-owned property, and not in excess of 40 per centum of the cost of such reconstructing and paving of that portion of the said street which so abuts . BOARD OF MEDIATION For five members of the Board, and for other authorized expend- itures of the Board of Mediation in performing the duties imposed by law, including personal services - contract stenographic reporting Arlin gton Mem orial Bridge Commission . Continuing co nstruc . tion of Bridge . Vol. 43, p . 974 ; Vol. 43, p. 721. Resurfacing, etc ., road . Ante. p . 230. Prorfsos. Minor purchases, etc., w itho ut ad vert is- ing LS ., sec .3709,p.733. U.S.C., p . 1309. Reconstruction, etc., of Constitutio n Ave- n ue. Board of Mediation . Members of Board . All other expenses .