Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/315

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101 . JUNE 16, 1933 .

289 sec . 31), and the Acts of June 9 1930, and June 30, 1932 (U.S.C., Supp . VI, title 29, sees. 31-40), 969,000 : Provided, That the mini- nP Ii nm •um allotment mum all otment to an y Stat e here under for the fisca l year 1934 shall to states . be $8,840 . Sal aries and expe nses : For maki ng st udies , in vesti gatio ns, a nd p rises ies and ex- reports regarding the vocational rehabilitation of disabled persons an d thei r plac ements in su itable or ga inful o ccupat ions, and fo r the administrative expenses of said Board incident to performing the duties imposed by the Act of June 2, 1920 (U.S.C., title 29, sec. 35), Vol.41,p .735 ;Vol.43, .46 as amended by the Act of June 5, 1924 (U .S .C., title 29, see . 31), and vol.45,p•448 .' p ' 524 ; the Acts of June 9, 1930, and June 30, 1932 (U.S.C., Supp. VI, title trI P'e p . 948


29, sees . 31, 40), including salaries of such assistants, experts, clerks, and other employees, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, as the Board may deem necessary, actual traveli ng and other necessary expenses incurred by the members of the Board and by its employees, under its orders ; including attendance at meetings of educational associations and other organizations, rent and equipment of offices in the District of Columbia, and elsewhere, purchase of books of ref- erence, law books, and periodicals, newspapers not to exceed $50, stationery, typewriters and exchange thereof, miscellaneous supplies, postage on foreign mail, printing and binding, and all other neces- sary expenses, $55,000, of which amount not to exceed $47,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the

rehabili- tat ion ali ve r ed abeli- District of Columbia : For personal services, printing and binding, dents of District of travel and s ubsist ence, and pa yment of expe nses o f trai ning, place- C VoL 45ap . 1260. went, and other phases of rehabilitating disabled residents of the 6as u .s.c., Supp, Vl, p . District of Columbia under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia ", approved February 23, 1929 (U.S.C., Supp . VI, title 29, sees . 47-47e), $11,000 .

Appropriation savail- Appropriations available to the Federal Board for Vocational able for attendance at Education for salaries and expenses shall be available for expenses educational association of attendance at meetings of educational associations and other meetings, et c . organizations which in the discretion of the Board are necessary for the efficient discharge of its responsibilities . Total, Federal Board for Vocational Education, $2,487,700 . 'So in original . 86637'-34---19 FEDERAL FARM BOARD Federal Farm Board . The appropriation hereby made for the Federal Farm Board for a Apla rortti Farm the fiscal year 1934 shall, if the Executive order dated March 27, Credit Administration, 1933, creating the Farm Credit Administration, goes into effect, be 608 If 84 1 effective . Executive Order No . avail able d uring such f iscal year f or admi nistra tive e xpense s of t he Farm Credit Administration, in addition to other funds made avail- able theref or by the pr ovisio ns of said Ex ecutiv e orde r, in the sa me manner as if this appropriation had been transferred by such Executive order . For salaries and expenses in accordance with the provisions of the sa lar ies and ex- gricultural Marketing Act," approved June 15, 1929 (U.S.C., pVol'46, p. ll. Xpp . V, title 7, sees . 521-535f), not including the salaries of mem- 62 u.s.c.,Supp. VI, p. bers of the Federal Farm Board, except the salary of the member salaries, members of designated as chairman, and the Act creating a Division of Coop- BVol .44 not , p. 802. . erative Marketing in the Department of Agriculture, approved July 591 7-s - c ., Supp. VI, P- 2 1 1926 (U .S .C., Supp . VI, title 7, sees . 451-457), including steno- graphic reporting services to be obtained by the Board through the civil service or by contact 1 ; not to exceed $750 for newspapers and