Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/361

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 4. JANUA RY 24, 1934 .

335 by him, or in whose possession it was found ; or in the absence of Continued . earwarrants-- any person, he must leave it in the place where he hound the property . (k) The offic er mus t fort hwith return the wa rrant to the judge or commiss ioner and de liver to him a wri tten in ventor y of t he pro perty taken, made publicly or in the presence of the person from whose possession it was taken, and of the applicant for the warrant, if they are present, verified by the affidavit of the officer at the foot of the inventory and taken before the judge or commissioner at the time, to the following effect : " I, R . S ., the officer by whom this warrant was exe cuted, do sw ear th at the above invent ory co ntains a tru e and detailed account of all the property taken by me on the warrant ." (1) The judge or commissioner must thereupon, if required, deliver a copy of the inventory to the person from whose possession the property was taken and to the applicant for the warrant. (m) The judge or commissioner must annex the affidavits, search warrant, return, inventory, and evidence, and at once file the same, together with a copy of the record of his proceedings, with the clerk of the police court . (n) Whoever shall knowingly and willfully obstruct, resist, or oppose any su ch off icer o r pers on in serving or at tempti ng to serve or execute any such search warrant, or shall assault, beat, or wound any such officer or person, knowing him to be an officer or person so authorized, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than two y ears . (o) If the accused be discharged, the beverages and other property seized shall be returned to the person in whose possession they were found ; if he be convicted, the said beverages and other property shall be forfeited, and may be destroyed by the police department or delivered for medicinal, mechanical, or scientific uses to any depart- ment or agency of the United States Government or the District of Columbia government or any hospital or other charitable insti- tution in the District of Columbia, or sold at public auction, as the court may direct . (p) If any of said proper ty so seized , other than the sa id bev er- ages and the containers thereof, shall be subject to a lien which is establi shed b y inte rventi on or otherw ise to the sa tisfac tion o f the court as being bona fide and as having been created without the lienor's having any notice that said property was to be used in connect ion wi th the illeg al man ufactu re for sale, keepin g for sale, or selling of alcoholic beverages, the court, upon the conviction of the accused, shall order a sale of said property at public auction and the officer making the sale, after deducting the expenses of keeping the property, the fee for the seizure and the cost of the sale, shall pay all such liens according to their priorities, and such lien or liens shall be transferred from the property to the proceeds of the sale thereof . SEC . 30 . That any minor who falsely represents his age for the ingi ag er t iiso~~e ns purpose of procuring any beverage shall be deemed guilty of a mis- beverage . demeanor and be fined for each offense not more than $25 and, in default in the payment of such fine, shall be imprisoned not exceeding ten days . SEC . 31 . After the date of the approval of this Act no permit shall Permits to sell 3 .2 be issued under the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide reve- b ee, . nue for the District of Columbia by the taxation of beverages and for other purposes ", approved April 5, 1933, and no permits issued Ante, p . 25. thereunder shall be renewed, but the Commissioners are hereby authorized to extend the expiration dates of permits issued under Temporary extension said Act to a date designated by them, not to exceed sixty days after permitted .