Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/15

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LIST OF TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS Claims convention with Panama (modification of convention of July 28, 1926). Signed at Panama, December 17, 1932; proclaimed March 3'1. 1933 ______________________ _ Transit of alcoholic liquors t~ough th~ territory of the \.ianal Zone. Signed at Panama, March 14,1932; proclaimed April 7, 1933 __________________________ ~---------- Parcel-JK'8.ii agreement with New Zealand. Signed at WellingtOn, March 3, 1933; at Waah- mgton&.., .Aprll24, 1933; approved, May 3, 1933 ________________________________ _ Treaty with roland of frienaship, commerce, and consular rights. Signed at Waahington, June 15,1931; proclaimed, July 10, 1933______________________________________ _ Multilateral convention and protocol, narcotio drugs. Signed at Geneva, July 13, 1931; proclaimed, July 10, 1933 ___________________________________________________ _ Pareel-})<>st agreement with the Hellenic Republic. Signed at Athens, July 14, 1933; at Waahington, August 1, 1933; a~proved, Augus1; 8, 1933 _________________________ _ Convention with Mexico for the rectification of the Rio Grande. Signed at Mexico City, February IbI933; proclaimed, November 13, 1933______________________________ _ Agreement with enmark for collect-on -delivery_ -parcel-post service. Signed at Copen- hagen, October 13, 1933; at Waahington, November 11, 1933; approved, November 17, 1933 __________________________________________________________________ _ Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights. Declaration by which the Free City of Danzig becomes a contractin~ party to the treaty of June 15, 1931, between the United States of America and Poland. Signed March 9, 1934; effective March 24, 1934______________________________________________________________________ _ Treaty with Cuba defining their relations. Signed at Washington, May 29, 1934; pro- claimed, June 9.1934_______________________________________________________ _ xv Pap. 1485 1488 1491 1507 1543 1594 1621 1671 1680 1682