Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/155

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73d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CRS. 734,737,738. JUNE 22,24,1934. 1427 SEC. 2 . That the United States Employees' Compensation Commis- pa=TarmstroBot (talk)ut~=t1 sion be, and it is herebyt,,!luthorized and directed to pay to the legal . guardian of Ralph La vern Walker the sum of $50 per month, beginning with the passage of this Act and continuing for the period of ei~ht years: Pr()1)ided, That no part of the amount appropriated Promo.. in thIS Act in excess of $100 shall 00 paid or delivered to or received ne;!TarmstroBot (talk)°l!.:~ attor· by any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, on account of services rendered in connection with said claim. It shall be unlawful for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, to exact, collect, withhold, or receive any sum of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of $100 on account of services rendered in connection with said claim, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Any person violating Penalty for violation. the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding 1Ie~r:=~t to be in full $1,000: PrlYlJided further, That the above amounts shall be in full . settlement against the Government. Approved, June 22, 1934. [CHAPTER 737.) AN ACT For the relief of M. N. Lipinski. lune 24, 10M . IB.R.7264.1 iPrivate, No. 334 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in 001lgres8 as8embled, That the Secretary tfei:bTarmstroBot (talk)it (or of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to loss of livestock. pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and in full and complete settlement, to M. N. Lipinski the sum of $1,100 as reimbursement for damages sustained in the losses of live- stock by poisoning as the result of weed-killing experiments con- ducted by the Bureau of Fisheries of the Department of Commerce on premises used for pasture purposes by M. N. I .Jipinski: Pr()1)ided, n:::tion on aUOI" That no part of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of ney's, etc., f_. 10 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, on account of services rendered in connection with said claim. It shall be unlawful for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, to exact, collect, with- hold, or receive any sum of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof on account of services rendered in connection with said claim, any contract to the contrary notwith- standing. Any ferson violating the provisions of this Act shall be Penalty(orviolatioa. deemed guilty 0 a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined In any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, June 24, 1934. (CHAPTER 738.) AN ACT lune 24, 10M . For the relief of Arthur A. Burn, Senior, and J. K . Ryland. [H. R . 783;c-- .:l.I' =-r _ - - 'Private, No. 336 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and H01JJ8e of Repre8entatives 01 the United States of America in 001lgres8 assembled, That the Secretary SeAfthur ~. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, R~':d. an out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise ayment to. appropriated, to Arthur A. Burn, Seniolj of Daufuskie Island, South Carolina, the sum of $5,000; and to tJ. K . Ryland, of Bermuda, Alabama, the sum of $4,246.06, the same being in full satisfaction of any claim they may have against the United States Government on account of the death of Arthur A. Bum, Junior, and J. B . Ryland as a r~sult of having been sent to sea in an admittedly unseaworthy boat or skiff while employed in the United States Coast Ilnd Geodetic Burn, 1. K.