Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/164

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1436 73d CONGRESS. SESS. II . CHS. 780-783. JUNE 26, 1934. per cen~um !hereof on account of services ren<ie~ed in c.onnection with saId claIm, any contract to the contrary notwithstandmg. Any PenaltyforvloJation. person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. lune 26. 11134. [S.I~.) Approved, June 26, 1934. (CHAPTER 781.) AN ACT For the relief of Elizabeth Millicent Trammell. (Private. No. 357.) Be it ena.ated by the Senate and House of Representatives of the H. Eric TralI!mell. United States of America in Oongress assembled, That there is Paymentto Widow of. h b h' dtob . ted tf . thT June 26. 11134. (S. 1258.) (Private. No. 358.) ere yaut orIze e approprla ,ou 0 any money m e reas- ury not otherwise. appropriated, to Eli~abeth Millicent Tram~lell, widow of H. ErIC Trammell, late thIrd secretary of AmerIcan Embassy at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the sum of $3,000, equal to one year's salary of her deceased husband. Approved, June 26, 1934. (CHAPTER 782.] AN ACT For the relief of Charles F. Littlepage. Be it enacted by the Senate and H 01llie of Representatives of the CharlesF. Littlepage. United States of America in Oongres8 assembled, That the Secretary Compensation for f h T bedh.hb h'ddd'ted personal Injuries. 0te reasury ,an eIS erey,autorize an lrec t0l.ay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , to Charles F. Littlepage, of Charleston, West Virginia, the sum of $50 per month from December 14, 1931, in an amount not to exceed $32000, in full satisfaction of his claim against the United States for inJuries suffered when struck by a United States mail truck at ~~ to be ap- Charleston, West Virginia, on December 14, 1931: Provided, That po:~b in h I before any payment is made to the claimant, Charles F. Littlepage, tal.:t~ urs g osp· a trustee De appointed, and that reimbursement be made to the Moun- tain State Hospital, Incorporated, Charleston, West Virginia, in full satisfaction of all hospital and medical expenses incurred by Charles F. Littlepage, lune 26. 11134 . (S.I288.) (Private. No. 359.) Approved, June 26, 1934. (CHAPTER 783.] AN ACT For the relief of Otto Christian. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouae of Representatives of the OUoChr1stlan. United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the President Summoned before f th U 'ted Stat b dh.hb . Army retiring board as 0 em ese,an e IS ere y, authorIzed to summon to fitness. etc. Otto Christian, late captain, Medical Corps of the Regular Army of the United States, before a retiring board for the purpose of a hearing of his case and to inquire into all facts touching upon the nature of his disabilities, to determine and report the disabilities which in its judgment have produced his incapacity and whether such disab~liti~s were incurred d~ring his ~ctive service in the Army Appointment as cap- and were mime of duty; that If the findmgs of such board are in taln. retired. on action th ffi t' th P 'd t' f h h' d' , , by beard. etc. earmalve e reSIenISurterautorIze,mhISdIscre- tion, to nominate and appoint, py and with the advice and con. sent of the Senate, the said Otto Ohristian a captain in the Medical Corps and to place him immediately thereafter upon the retired