Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/214

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1486 CLAIMS CONVENTION-PANAMA-DECEMRli;R 17, 1932. who after having communi- cated to each other their respec- tive full powers found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I Time extended for The second paragraph of Article consideration, etc., of VI f h C . b h claims. 0 t e onventIon etween t e United States of America and the Republic of Panama for the settle- ment and amicable adjustment of claims by citizens of each country against the other, signed at 'Wash- ington July 28, 1926, is amended to read as follows: The Commission shall be bound to hear, examine and decide, before July 1, 1933, all the claims filed on or before October 1, 1932. ARTICLE II Payment of awards Article VIn of the Claims Con- 1~~ded to luly I, vention signed at Washington on July 28t.! 926, by plenipotentiaries of the united States of America and the Republic of Panama IS amended to read as follows: The total amount awarded in all the cases decided in favor of the citizens of one country shall be deducted from the total amount awarded to the citizens of the other country, and the balance shall be paid at the city of Panama or at Washington, in gold coin or its equivalent the first of July, 1936, or before, to the Government of the country in favor of whose citizens the greater amount may have been awarded. ARTICLE III Exchange of ratlftca- The present Convention shall lions. be ratified by the High Contract- ing Parties in accordance with their respective Constitutions. Ratifications of this Convention quienes despues de haberse comunicado el uno 0.1 otro sus respectivos plenos poderes y en- contrado que estlin en forma debida y adecuada, han convenido en los slguientes articulos: ARTICULO I El segundo paragrafo del Arti- culo VI de 10. Convenci6n entre los Estados Unidos de America y 10. Republica de Panama para el arreglo y ajuste amigable de las reclamaciones presentadasporciu- dadanos de cada uno de los dos palses contra el otro, firmada en Washington el 28 de Julio de 1.926, queda enmendado LOmo sigue: La Comisi6n estara obligada a oir, sustanciar y fallar, antes del 19 de Julio de 1933, todas las reclamaciones pre- sentadas el 19 de Octuhre de 1932, 0 antes. ARTICULO II El Articulo VIII de 10. Con- venci6n de Reclamaciones finna- do. en Washington el 28 de Julio de 1926 por Plenipotenciarios de los Estados Unidos de America y de 10. Republica de Panama, queda enmendada como sigue: La cantidad total adjudicada en todos los casos decididos a favor de los ciudadanos de un pais sera deducida de 10. cantidad total adjudicada a los ciudadanos del otro pais, y el saldo sera pagado en 10. ciudad de Panama 0 en Washington, en moneda de oro 0 su equivalente, el 19 de Julio de 1936, 0 antes, 0.1 Go- bierno del pals en favor de cuyos ciudadanos se haya ad- judicado 10. cantidad mayor. ARTICULO III Esta Convenci6n sed, ratificada por las Altas Partes Contratantes, de acuerdo con sus respectivas Constituciones. Las ratificacio- nes seran canjeadas en 10. ciudad