Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/243

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-POLAND. JUNE 15, 1931. 1515 Contracting Parties, on goods im- ported or exported in national vessels so that such bounties, drawbacks and other privileges shall also and in like manner be allowed on goods imported or exported in vessels of the other country. With respect to the amount and collection of duties on im- ports and exports of every kind, each of the two High Contracting Parties binds itself to give to the nationals, vessels and goods of the other the advantage of every favor, privilege or immunity which it shall have accorded to the nationals, vessels and goods of a third state, whether such favored state shall have been accorded such treatment ~ratui­ tously or in return for recl~rocal compensatory treatment. Every such favor, privilege or immunity which shall hereafter be granted the nationals, vessels or goods of a third State shall simultaneously and unconditionally, without re- quest and without compensation be extended to the other High ContractiIlg Party for the bene- fit of itself, its nationals, vessels and goods. No distinction shall be made by either High Contracting Party between direct and indirect im- portations of articles originating In the territories of the other Party from whatever place arriv- ing. In so far as importations into Poland are concerned, the foregoing stipulation applies only in the case of goods which for a part of the way from the place of their origin to the place of their ultimate destination had to be carried across the ocean. Either Contracting Party has the right to require that articles which are imported from the terri- tories of the other Party and are entitled under the provisions of this Treaty to the benefit of the duties or charges accorded to the most favored nation, must be ac- companied by such documentary proof of their origin as may be re- quired in pursuance of the laws 86637°--34- -PT2- - --15 wiaj~ych Sif; Stron, dla towarow, importowanyeh lub eks~rtowa­ nych no. statkach narodowych , tak, te te _premje, zwroty cel 1 inne przywileje b~~ r6wniez w podobny spos6b przyzno.wo .ne towarom,importowanym lub eks- portowanym na statkaeh dru- giego panstwa. Co Sif; tyczy wysoko~i i pobie- Most favored nation • • treatment 88 to cus- rama cel przywozowych 1 wywozo- toms duties. wych wszelkiego rodzaju, katda z obu Wysokich Umawiaj~ych Sif; Stron zobowillZuje Sif; przyznae obywatelom, sto.tkom i towarom drugiej Strony wszelkie udogod- nienia, przywileje lub wolno~i, jakie przyzna obywatelom, stat- kom i towarom jakiegos trzeciego panstwa, bez wzgl~u na to, czy t a k i emu uprzywilejowanemu panstwu twe traktowanie zo- stanie przyznane darmo k czy wzamian zo. kompenso.~. aide takie udogodnieme, przywilej lub wolnos6, kt6re b~zie odt~ w przyszlo~i nadane obywatelom, statkom czy towarom trzeciego paflstwa, b~zie r6wnoczemie i bezwarunkowo, bez z~o.nia i bez kompens~ty rozci~f;te na drug~ Wysok~ Umawio.j~~ Sif; Stronf; dla niej samej, jej obywateli, statk6w i towar6w. Zadna z Wysokich Umawiaj~- No d.istinction IJ&. h.S . b~...1· bi! tween direct and indio cyc Slf; tron me o;iUZle ro a fect importations. jakiejkolwiek r6tniey mi~y bez- posrednim a poarednim przywo- zem artyku16w {X!chodz~ych z terytorj6w drugieJ Strony, a sk~- kolwiek przychodz~ych. Powyt- sze postanowienie, w zastoso- waniu do przywozu do Polski, odnosi Sif; jedynie do towar6w, kt6re na cZf;sci drogi z miejsea ich poehodzenia do miejsea ostatecz- nego przeznaczenia musialy bye przewoZone poprzez ocean. Kazda z Wysokich Umawiaj~- Documents.ry proof cyeh si~ Stron ma prawo wyma- of origin required. gae, teby artykuly, kt6re s~ przywozone z terytorjum drugiej Strony i kt6re mog~ korzystac zgodnie z postanowieniami mniej- szego Traktatu z korzy~i odnoB- nie do cel lub oplat przyznanyeh paflstwu najbardzieJ uprzywile- lowanemu, byly zaopatrzone w takie same dokumenty stwierdza-