Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/25

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73<1 CONGRESS. SESS. I . CHS. 10, 11. MARCH 24, 1933. 1297 the laws of the State of California, its successors and assigns, a permanent right of way, in such location and under such terms and conditions as may be approved b! the Secretary of War, over and across the Benton Field Military Reservation, Alameda, California, for railroad purposes, with full power to locate, construct, and operate railroad tracks, together with necessary spurs and sidings and other railroad appurtenances, appendages, and adjuncts: Pro- ~.illro.d pur. 'l'ided, That the land shall not be used for other than railroad poses oo1y. purposes, and when the property shall cease to be so used it shall revert to the United States: Pruvided further, That the right to Removal of tracb. compel the removal of said railroad tracks and appurtenances is hereby reserved in the Secretary of War, whenever he may determine the interests of the Government require, and which said removal is to No Federal expease. be without expense to the Government, as a condition of this grant. Approved, March 24,1933. [CHAPTER 11.] AN ACT Much te. 1933. (8.163.1 To convey certain land in the county of Los Angeles, State of California. (Private, No.5 .) Whereas on or about the 22d day of August, 1921, the county of c!rtr. Aogeles eountT. Los Angeles, State of Califorma, conveyed to the United States Preamble. of America the hereinafter-described tract of land for the use of the War or Navy Departments; and Whereas the county of LOs Angeles, in the State of California, pur- chased said property for the purpose of making said conveyance at a total sum of $148.,655, of which amount the United States of America. contribute<t $55,655 and the county of Los Angeles contributed the sum of $93,000; and Whereas the United States of America has ceased to use said prop- erty, or any part thereof, for military, or naval, or other pur- poses, and the same is now and for some time has been idle: Therefore Be it eru:wted by the Senate and H rmse of RepreBentatives of the United States of America in Oongre88 a88emhled, That the Secre- ve~~fon roTarmstroBot (talk)()~ tary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to convey purposes: to the county of Los Angeles the hereinafter-described land, exclu- sive of such structures thereon which may be designated by the Secretary of War for retention by the War Department with a view to their eventual removal from the premises, to be used for public park, playground, and recreation purposes only, on condi- tion that should the land not be used for that purpose it shall revert to the United States: Provided, lwwever, That the county of ~;:OeDt. Los Angeles, State of California, pay to the United States of America the sum of $55,655, the amount originally :paid by the Government on the 'p'urchase price of said property, WhICh property is particularly descrIbed as follows: Description. All those certain lots, pieces, or parcels of land, together with all buildings thereon, situate, lying, and being in the city of Arcadia, countY. of Los Angeles, and State of California, and particularly descrIbed as follows, to wit: Lot 4 of tract numbered 949 as delin- eated upon the map of said tract recorded in book 17 of maps, at page 13, records of Los Angeles County, and lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of tract numbered 2409 as delineated upon the map of said tract, recorded in book 23 of maps, at page 23, records of Los Angeles County. The land intended to be conveyed by this deed is bounded on the north by Falling Leaf A venue, on the east of Santa Anita Avenue, on the south by Huntington Drive and by land now owned