Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/257

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-POLAND. JUNE 15, 1931. 1529 by the decedent for the preserva- tion and protection of the same. Such consular officer shall have the right to be appointed as ad- ministrator within the discretion of a tril:mnal or other agency con- trolling the administration of estates provided the laws of the place where the estate is admin- Istered so permit. In case of the death of a national of either of the High Contracting Parties without will or testament and without any known heirs resident in the coun- try of his decease, the consular officer of the country of which the deceased was a national shall be appointed administrator of the estate of the deceased, provided the regulations of his own Govern- ment permit such appointment and provided such appointment is not in conflict with local law and the tribunal having juris- diction has no special reasons for appointing someone else. Whenever a consular officer accepts the office of administra- tor of the estate of a deceased countryman, he subjects himself as such to the jurisdiction of the tribunal or other agency making the appointment for all necessary purposes to the same extent as a national of the country where he was appointed. ARTICLE XXIII A consular officer of either High Contracting Party may, if this is not contrary to the local law, ap- pear personally or by delegate on behalf of non-resident beneficia- ries, nationals of the country rep- resented by him before the proper authorities administering work- men's compensation laws and other like statutes, with the same effect as if he held the power of attorney of such beneficiaries to represent them unless such bene- ficiaries have themselves appeared either in person or by duly au- thorized representative. zmarlym w celu zachowania i ochrony' tego maj~tkuj tenze urz~nik konsularny b~zie uprawniony do tego aZeby zo- stac wyznaczonym zarz~c~ spad- ku wedlug uznania. s~u lub innej wJadzy, spra.wuj~ej nadz6r nad zarz¥lem masy spadkowej, 0 ile na to zezwalaj~ prawa miejsco- wosci, gdzie spadek pozostaje pod zarz~em. W WY~f!.dku smierci obywatela ~lthout any known jednej z Wysokich Umawiaj~ych hel~Polntment !IS ad- si~ Stron bez rozporz~zenia. na mlnistrator. wypadek mmerci wzgl~nie testa- mentu i bez jakichkolwiek znan- ych spadkobierc6w zamieszka- Iych w kraiu, gdzie umarJ, urz~- nik konsularny kraju, kt6rego obywatelem byJ zmariyl b~Eie wyznaczony na. administratora maj~tku zmarlego, 0 ile przepisy wJasne~o jego Rz~u zezwalaj~ na to, 1 0 ile taka. nominacja nie jest sprzeczna. z prawami miej- scowemi, a s~ wJasciwy nie rna. specjalnych powod6w do wyzna- czema kogo mnego_ o ile urz~ konsularny Status of. przyjmie obowi~ki administrato- ra. spadku, pozostalego po zmar- Iym wsp610bywatelu, poddaje si~ tern samem w tym charakterze do wszystkich celowych zamierzeli ju;.~~kcji s~u albo tei innego czy . a mianuj~ego, w takim samym zakresie co obywatel kra- ju przyjmuj~ego. ARTYKUr.. XXIII Urz~nik konsularny kazdej z n:n19:36, 8 July 2014 (UTC)aTarmstroBot (talk)t~ Wysokich Umawiaj~ychsi~Stron clary. moie, 0 He to nie jest sprzeczne z prawem miejscowem, stawa6 osobiScie lub przez zas~pc~ w imieniu benefic]arjuszy obywateli Palistwa wysylaj~~o niezamie- szkalych w kraju le~o urz~o- wania przed wlaSciweIDl wladzami, wykonywuj~emi ustawy 0 od- szkodowamu za wypadki przy pracy, lub podobne ustawy, z tym samym skutkiem jak gdyby posia- dal pelnomocnictwo od takich beneficjarjuszy, chyba. ie bene- ficjarjusze ci stawili si~ osobiScie lub przez prawnie wyznaczonych pelnomocnik6w.