Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/281

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MULTILATERAL-NARCOTIC DRUGS. JULY 13,1931. 1553 TM Pre8'iAkm oj 1M Ozechoslovak Republic: o!~:l!~;rntiari- M. Zdenek FIERLINGER, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss FederaLCouncil, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations. TM President oj tM Republic oj U1"Uf}1.tay: Dr. Alfredo DE CASTRO, Envoy Extraordinarr. and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Federal Council. TM PresUhnt oj tM United States oj Venezuela: Dr. L . G. CHACfN-lTRIAGO, Chf!l'g6 d'Affaires at Berne, Member of the Medical Academy of Caracas. Who, having communicated to one another their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows: CHAPTER I.-D EF INITIONS. Article 1. Except where otherwise expressly indicated, the following defini. DeflDitlons. tions shall apply throughout this Convention: 1. The term "Geneva Convention" shall denote the International t1TarmstroBot (talk) 19:40, 8 July 2014 (UTC)neva ConveD- Opium Convention signed at Geneva on February 19th, 1925. 2. The term "the drugs" shall denote the following drugs whether "The drugs." partly manufactured or completely refined: Group 1. Sub-Group (a) . (i) Morphine and its salts, including preparations made directly from raw or medicinal opium and containing mo:.. - e than 20 per cent of morphine; (ii) Diacetylmorphine and the other esters of morphine and their salts; (iii) Cocaine and its saltsl including preparations made direct from the coca leaf ana containing more than 0.1 per cent of cocaine, all the esters of ecgonine and their salts; (iv) Dihydrohydrooxycodeinone (of which the substance registered under the name of eucodal is a salt); dihydrocodei- none (of which the substance registered under the name of dicodide is a salt), dihydromorphirione (of which the substance registered under the name of dilaudide is a salt), acetyldihy- drocodeinone or acetyldemethylodihydrothebaine (of which the substance registered under the name of acedicone is a salt); dihydromorphine (of which the substance registered under the name of paramorfan is a salt), their esters and the salts of any of these substances and of their esters, morphine-N -oxide (reg- istered trade name genomorphine), also the morphine-N-oxide derivatives, and the other pentavalent nitrogen morphine derivatives. Sub-Group (b): Ecgonine, thebaine and their salts, benzylmorphine and the other ethers of morphine and their salts, except methylmor- phine (codeine), ethylmorphine and their salts. Group II.

Methylmorphine (codeine), ethylmorphine and their salts.