Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/415

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TREATY RELATIONS-CUBA. MAY 29, 1934. 1683 ARTICLE I The Treaty of Relations which was concluded between the two contracting parties on May 22, 1903, shall cease to be in force, and is abrogated, from the date on which the present Treaty goes into effect. ARTICLE II All the acts effected in Cuba by the United States of America during its military occupation of the island, up_to Mo.! 20, 1902, the date on which the Republic of Cuba was established, have been ratified and held as valid; and all the rights legally acquired by virtue of those acts shall be maintained and protected. AUTICLE III Until the two contract~ par- ties agree to the modificatlOn or abrogation of the stipulations of the agreement in regard to the lease to the United States of America of lands in Cuba for coaling and naval stations signed br the President of the Republic o Cuba on February 16, 1903, and by the President of the United States of America 011 the 23d day of the same month and year, the stipulations of that agreement with regard to the naval station of Guantlmamo shall continue in effect. The supplementary agreement in re- gard to naval or coaling stations signed between the two Govern- ments on July 2, 1903, also shall continue in effect in the same form and on the same conditions with respect to the naval station at Guantanamo. So long as the United States of America shall not abandon the said naval sta- tion of Guantanamo or the two Governments shall not agree to a modification of its present limits, the station shall continue to have the territorial area that it now has, with the limits that it has on the date of the signature of the present Treaty. ARTICULO I El Tratado de Relaciones qUE; ga~rner treatyabro- se concluy6 entre las dos partes Vol: 33, p. 2 . contratantes el 22 de mayo de 1903 dejad. de tener validez, y queda abrogado, desde 10. fecha en que comience a regir el presen te Tratado. ARTICULO II Todos los actos reaJizados en Validation of mlJi- tar)' acts, etc_ Cuba por los Estados Unidos de America durante su ocupaci6n militar de 10. isla, hasta el 20 de mayo de 1902, fecha en que se estableci6 10. Republica de Cuba, han sido ratificados y tenidos Maintenance 01 )egal . n:d tod 1 d rights. como Va.u os; y os os ere- chos legalmente adquiridos a vir- tud de esos aetos sed,n manteni- dos y protegidos. ARTICULO III En tanto las dos partes contra- Coaling and Daval d d stations, leIIIIe. tantes no se pongan e aeuer 0 para la modifieaci6n 0 abrogaci6n de las estipulaciones del Convenio firmado por el Presidente de 10. Republica de Cuba el 16 de fe- brero de 1903, y_por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America el 23 del mismo mes y afio, en euanto 0.1 arrendamiento a los Estados Unidos de America de terrenos en Cuba ~ara estaciones Present stipulatioDs • concernlnr:. to continue carboneras 0 no. va es, segwd,n en provisional)), . vigor las estipulaciones de ese Convenio en cuanto a In. Est&- ci6n Naval de Guantanamo. Re- specto a esa estaci6n naval seguira tambien en vigor en las mismas forma y condiciones el arreglo suplementario referenro a esta- ciones navales 0 carboneras termi- nado en tre los dos Gobiernos el 2 de julio de 1903. Mientras no se abandone por parte de los Estados Unidos de America 10. GUBntAnamo stal.loD d·h Et '6N 1dG f.. areanotanacted. ICa saCln ava e uantu- namo 0 mientras los dos Go- biernos no acuerden una modifi- caci6n de sus lfmites 8etuales, seguira teniendo 10. extensi6n terri- torial que ahora ocupa, con los l1mites que tiene en 10. fecho. de 1& firma del presente Tratado.