Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/436

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1704 PROCLAMATIONS, 1933. ment of an adequate shipping service with the aforesaid Virgin Islands be further extended from September 30, 1933, to September 30, 1934. . . .

'ppllcatlon of coast·

And inasmuch as the extenSIon of the coastWise laws of the Uruted WIse laws deterred. hV' . lId 'd d' t'21fthMht Vol. 41 , p. 997. Statestot e IrglIl s an s, asprOVl e Insec IOn 0 e ercan Marine Act, 1920, is dependent upon the establishment of an adequate shipping service to such island poasession, I do hereby further pro- claim and declare that the extension of the coastwise laws of the United States to the Virgin Islands is deferred from September 30, 1933, to September 30, 1934. IN WITNESS WHEREOl!"" I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 10 th day of August, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-three, and of [SEAL] the Independence of the United States of Americ!l. the one hundred and fifty-eighth. By the President: COllDELL HULL Secretary oj State. l!~RANKLIN D ROOSEVELT [No. 2052] BY THE PHESIDENT OF THE UNITlm STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION EXTENDING THE POWERS GHANTlm TO THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY BY THE JOINT RESOLUTION OF FEBRUARY 25, 1933, FOR A PERIOD OF SIX :MONTHS National banking as· ,\VlIEREAS, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ~~!!~~Ie. States passed a joint resolution which was duly approved February Statutory provision. 25, 1933, authorizing- the Comptroller of the Currency to exercise, Vol. 47, p. 908. h Nq1B.A .. wit respect to atIona . nnkmg ssoclfltIons, any powers which state officials may.have with respect to state banks, savings banks, and/or trust companies under state laws; nnd 'WHEREAS, said resolution provides that the powers therein con- ferred shall terminate six months from the dute of approval of the resolution by the President, but that the President may extend its force by Proclamation for an additional six months: Of~:e:TarmstroBot (talk)::ae~U~r~!~i. I NO'fV'ITHUE~EdFOS·RE, l'fFARA~KLldN }D. Rb()OSE\IT~~L1'l' Presi- rencyovcr,eltended. (ent 0 t 1e mte tates 0 menca, 0 lere y proc tum t 1ut the force of suid resolution he, and the same hereby is, extended for an additional IJeriod of six months from August 25, 10:3:3. IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hund Hnd haye caused the seal of the United States to be nfIixed. Done in the District of Columbia, this ISth day of August in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred nnd Thirty- [l:mAL] three, and of the Independence of the United Stntes the One Hundred nnd Fifty-eighth. By the President: \VILLIAI\1 PHILLIPS FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT Acting Secretary oj State. [No. 2053]