Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/48

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1320 l'rGrieo. No btICk ~J. etc. 73d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 133-136. APRIL 13, 1934. organization on the 22d day of October 1902: Provided, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of thIS Act. Approved, April 13, 1934. [CHAPTER 134.J AN ACT A. prll 13, 191M. (B.R. 401541.) Avril 13. 191M. (B.R .4262 .) (PrIvate. No. Ga.) [CHAPTER 135.J For the relief of Emma F. Taber. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Elizabeth O'Brien. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep1'esentatives of tM o~~ Eliubetb United States of America in Oongress a8semhled, That sections C-ertaln limitations of 17 and 20 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide comnensation Emplo}'eeS' Compen· f I fthU'tedStt ff' ... hF..I -· th eatlon Act waived in or emp oyees 0 eDl aessuermgmJurIesw1em e favlll'of. performance of their duties, and for other purposes ", are hereby waived in favor of Mary Elizabeth O'Brien, a former employee of ~~ bendts. the United States Veterans' Bureau: Provided, That no benefits shall accrue prior to the approval of this Act. Avril 13, 191M. fB.R.8007.} (PrIvate, No. M .) Lissie Maud Green. ReUerol. Approved, April 13, 1934. [CHAPTER 136.J AN ACT For the relief of Lissie Maud Green. Be it enacted by the Senate and H OUBe of Representatives ()f the United States of America in Oongres8 a8sembled, That the United States Employees' Compensation Commission is hereby authorized to consider and determine the claim of Lissie Maud Green, widow of Charles F. Green, as to whether said Charles F. Green suffered an injury causing his death JUly 30,1921, while employed in the Postal serVIce as a rural letter carrier, compensable under said Act and